Mark Rosenfeld’s Girlfriend + Relationships, Exes & Rumors 2023

The actions are hugely important but if you don’t fix the internal blocks, it’s like trying to drive with one foot on the brake pedal. So I help guys overcome their inner roadblocks as well as taking the correct action which is why my clients get massive success super fast. We also have a specific training module around the business of coaching. This includes learning how to deliver coaching discovery sessions following a specific sales script to educate your clients about your coaching program so that they are inspired to sign up for your coaching services.


Our holistic approach focuses on transforming not just your dating skills, but your overall mindset and life skills to become the most attractive and confident version of yourself. The best time to hire a dating coach is when you’re looking to improve your dating skills, overcome challenges, and achieve your dating goals. It may also be beneficial to seek the help of a dating coach if you’re feeling stuck in your current dating pattern or experiencing dating frustrations.

Find Love 1-on-1 with Australia’s Top Dating Coach

You stay in a relationship because it IS good.’ That might sound obvious, but who hasn’t stayed in a relationship at least a little longer than they should have? Evan re-framed breaking up as an important part of the dating process – not a failure. The longer you’re with the wrong person, the longer you’re putting off sharing your life with the right person. I always knew dating was the process by which we find love, and the moment we stop dating is the moment we’re almost guaranteeing we’ll never end up in a happy, healthy relationship or marriage. Dating coaches don’t have the Academy Awards, so it was nice when my industry created its own award ceremony and gave me it’s first best dating coach Oscar (I can still call it an Oscar, right?) Oh, and my son was born. FOCUS stood for Feminine, Optimistic, Confident, Understanding, Self-Aware.

Women who do not understand why when they are the full package or highly successful in life or work that they have difficulty creating and/or maintaining relationships with men. Also, women who feel they are running out of time and or would like to attract much higher quality men. I’ve put in more time, effort, and investment (investing in high-performance mentors) than anyone else I know. I’ve learned to take a holistic approach and work on the root cause of the issue, which is their identity as a man, limiting beliefs, and unwanted emotions.

In addition to having a lot of empathy for how you’re feeling right now, I’d also like you to know that this experience is very, very common. Rebecca Bartley is the Founder/Dating & Relationship Coach for Dating Bites, a coaching organization helping single men to successfully become better daters and attract their dream women into their lives. With over 10 years of industry knowledge and experience, Rebecca helps single men with their confidence and mindset, online dating, sex and intimacy, and other areas surrounding dating and relationships. But people who choose to work with Growing Self for dating and relationship coaching value personal development, personal growth, and are interested in a self discovery process that helps them develop healthy new relationships. Where you can go wrong is by continuing to go it alone and complain to your girlfriends that ‘online dating sucks’ and there are ‘no good men’ out there.

Start Dating Coaching

That’s why many of the expert dating coaches on our team offer sliding-scale rates to accommodate any income level. You shouldn’t have to be a CEO to get help with your relationships, after all! Learn more about our rates and insurance, if you’re interested. Good dating coaching is arguably even more important than good premarital counseling, in terms of its power to help you avoid the terrible consequences of a difficult, failed relationship.


There is no magic formula to get a proposal by the end of the year, and no coach can guarantee success by offering you a few generalized tips. If a dating coach expects you to pay for the very first session, or commit to some kind of package, run the other way! It’s a warning sign of a questionable coach who’s more concerned about the bottom line of their business than about ensuring that their services are going to be genuinely helpful to you. HE’S THE real-life version of Will Smith’s character in the romantic comedy Hitch, a professional dating coach who charges a four-figure fee to teach men how to flirt.

If I were you, I’d take action and book a free call with the team. My coaching differs in that I take a broadly holistic approach to the work. Central to that is carefully reviewing a client’s personal history to determine how to foster emotional growth that facilitates their success.

Yet after posting twice a week for over a decade, I was a happily married father of two with a blog that has reached over 30 million readers in 239 countries and been named the #1 Dating Blog online. Because everyone else has a podcast, I launched one, too, and quickly hit the Top 20 in Self-Help, getting 40,000 downloads each month with no commercial support. Years later, the podcast hit the 1 million mark, which seems significant, but I’m not sure why. Finally figured out what was wrong with me and made the best decision ever to propose to my wife. Also created my first product, “Finding the One Online – How to Master Online Dating and Create the Love You Deserve.” Not only did it help thousands of women find men but it paid for most of my wedding, which was nice. Manak insists that there isn’t one, and that it’s all about being a better person.

They can help you step up to the plate and deliver, sharpening up your conversational over a series of interaction and putting interactions in a new, exciting context. This is a public service announcement going out to anyone looking to get ahead in the dating game. A dating coach might be just the thing to take you out of your comfort. Wrote my second book, “Why You’re Still Single – Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not to Get Mad.” Appeared on the Today Show and CBS Early Show and got a lot more press than actual book sales. Still very much single, not following my own advice and wondering what’s wrong with me.

This also allows my clients to truly believe in themselves and their worth and to know how possible it is for them to achieve the same results, to successfully attract their dream woman into their life. So much dating advice is either (1) not actionable (“be yourself!”) or (2) not authentic (“play it cool, whoever cares less wins”). My coaching focuses on giving actionable advice that enables my clients to stay authentic to themselves while finding a fantastic partner. My clients are typically newly single, with many having gone through a divorce or the death of a partner. Starting over brings up a lot of emotions for singles who desire to find a meaningful relationship. My clients aren’t looking for a casual relationship when they come to me.

Eunice started her career in financial services and has reported to CEO’s and co-presidents in senior leadership roles. She pivoted her career to leverage her psychology background and her passion for empowering women to become a certified dating coach. She is based in NYC and works with strong, smart and successful women all over the world to elevate their lens,  approach and strategy to realize fulfilling and healthy relationships.

However, several years prior, he wrote a book called ‘Models’. This is still regarded as one of the most important texts on dating and relationships for men. The book is about how to attract women in a healthy and authentic manner. Steffo is the founder of The Tantric Man Experience, the #1 masculine mentorship program in the world.