Aquarius Man & Gemini Woman Relationship Compatibility Can It Work?

The score is zero when it comes to the level of passion between the male Gemini and female Aquarius. It is only those that cannot control their minds lose control that way. While the Gemini man tends to appear as if no one can deal with his many sides, the Aquarius woman is like the most misunderstood creature. Their meeting is typical of the cloud-parting in the sky so both of them can see what the affair is exceptional for them.

We are like the perfect match for each other. I am a gemini women and he is a aquaman, he used to give me very strong eye contact and even tried to get friendly with me. But, i have been very stubborn for some reasons and hurted him. Now that he has gone away from me, i am getting curious to know what he feels about me, as i have seen an unknown emotion in his eyes while leaving. Both tend to keep their emotions to themselves, which can become a roadblock if they run into tough times and have complicated feelings brewing.

Gemini man, Aquarius woman: Working together

We connect in all aspects; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. I personally always thought that Aquarius was my perfect match and it is true! The Gemini – Aquarius union establishes one of the most compatible relationships of the zodiac because they have a very strong karmic connection. Both expect similar things for their lives and have shared approaches. In the intellectual they estimate each other. A work or student bond will be very helpful if it is a Gemini – Aquarius combination .

We have a very good friendship and i dont want to ruin things and make it awkward. But at the same time i love her alot and its breaking me from inside to keep it in. But it was a year ago and i didnt tell i loved her.

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It is weirdly wonderful having someone who can make me think of the big projects, not the immediate pleasures. Very shared a very good understanding and sensuality. We can talk about anything in the world for hours. It is uncertain what will happen at this point. An Aquarius man does not change easily, and he takes relationships slowly.

With his flirtiness, enchanting personality, and charming words will make you blush, laugh, and give you love jitters. But, you must want to know where his heart lies. A Gemini man in love does not show obvious signs of his feelings. It is because his magnetic personality can make it difficult for you to figure out whether he is in love with you or just being friendly. But knowing some signs of a Gemini man’s heart can let you read his emotions. So, keep reading this post as we tell you about some common and distinctive cues that show he is in love.

They don’t have any uneventful day because they amuse their minds with friendly banter, stories, and new ideas. The relationship between the Gemini man and Aquarius woman presents a peculiar, somewhat strange, and very unconventional slant in it that is beyond understanding. And what matters is that the relationship works for these air signs. When the two of them disregard any form of disapproval of one another and are dedicated as much as necessary, their affair will blossom. Gemini is a mutable air sign whereas Aquarius is a fixed air sign, the Gemini woman Aquarius man compatibility gets a FIVE Hearts rating.

Just remember, many people care about her, so you will have to learn to like them too. Because to her, you’re all just one big happy family. Your dates have to be out and about, where she can enjoy life to its fullest. The Gemini female has an open mind, so you can do calmer things like dinner and a movie, as long as the next time is bar hopping and dancing. She doesn’t care much about gifts, for she’s more of an action girl, so tickets to a raucous show or sporting event are the only things you should give her.

Here’s why women act distant and what to do about it, based on their zodiac sign.

This couple can be quite aloof and cold with one another. Gemini women in particular can turn her back on her partner and walk away with Kink D no regrets at the drop of a hat. There are no trust issues between them so they’re likely to take separate holidays from their partners.

You’ll need to keep him entertained and hopping if you want him to stick around. Geminis require stamina, and your Man will certainly appreciate a woman who has no trouble keeping up with him inside or outside the bedroom. They could become distant if they have contrasting viewpoints on a variety of issues. The Aquarius woman likes to be firm and stable in her endeavors, whereas the Gemini man often changes his mind. Between these two honest signs, disagreements are likely to be few and far between, and no resentments will be harbored.

His anger doesn’t last for long which his Pisces woman is well aware of. A Pisces woman is a perfect blend of spiritual as well as human qualities. She has a very patient and graceful attitude towards life. She believes in living in the moment and will go up to any extent to help her close ones.

The key to solving is understanding men on a much deeper emotional level. The number #1 factor that causes men to behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him. It’s rare that two Zodiac signs match one another so well when it comes to intellect. Aquarius man and Gemini woman are a perfect example, but for different reasons. Aquarius men are rational and logical with their thinking.

If you are a Gemini man with an Aquarius woman, you may be wondering whether your relationship is one that will last. Or, you could well be an Aquarius woman looking to the future and concerned with whether your Gemini guy is the most suitable for you. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 19,729 times. Just accept this as one of his personality quirks. It’s not likely you’ll ever truly understand it, and that’s okay. If this couple becomes serious, they may decide to get married.

It’s like you’re friends, but then you’re not just friends too?? Anyhoo, a couple of years ago, I met a Gemini guy who was 4 years younger than me. But then after a while, it was the same situation, same observation i got from them– They’re just interesting until they’re just too much! Gemini women who are in search of a friend or soul mate who shares their interests and values can easily find the answer in an Aquarius man. Arguably the two most intelligent zodiac signs, they won’t need to worry about finding a conversation partner who can relate on an intellectual level. There are no plans, and they take life as it comes in all its spontaneous beauty.