UK High Tech Consulting Business Plan Leave a comment

UK High Tech Consulting Business Plan

Acme Consulting will be formed as a consulting company specialising in marketing of high-technology products in international markets. Its founders were former market researchers, consultants, and personal computer users. They also have experience in international markets. Acme was founded by them to formalize the consulting services they provide.

1.1 Objectives

  1. Sales of PS550,000 in Year 1 and PS1 million by Year 3.
  2. Gross margin greater than 70%
  3. Through Year 3, net revenue remained higher than 5% of the sales.

1.2 Mission

Acme Consulting is a trusted, high-quality option to in-house resources. It can be used for market development, business development, and channel development at an international level. Acme Consulting can be a great alternative to internal resources. We offer high-quality contacts and experience as well confidentiality. Acme offers a professional and less risky alternative to working in-house. Acme must also be financially sound, charging a high price for its services, while delivering a greater value to its clients. Initial focus will be development in the European and Latin American markets, or for European clients in the United Kingdom market.

1.3 Keys for Success

  1. Excellence in fulfilling the Promise.
  2. Developing visibility to generate new business leads.
  3. Retainer consulting, project consultancy, market research and published market research reports are all ways to leverage a single pool’s expertise into multiple revenue-generating opportunities.

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