Telecommunications Products Business Plan Leave a comment

Telecommunications Products Business Plan

OSS Telecom Technology in Bend, Oregon is a branch of OSS Telecom Technology Taiwan which is a $300 Million steel conglomerate. To explore opportunities in the telecom industry’s operations support systems (OSS), the main company was created. The company’s software is used by 24 telecom operators.

OSS Telecom Technology intends to pursue several objectives which will allow them rapid market penetration. The first objective is to offer a high value, high quality product for the telecom industry. Also important from an internal operation standpoint is the ability to develop superior human assets through training and competitive incentives. Lastly, OSS Telecom Technology will pursue a customer intimacy model. This model will guarantee customer satisfaction.

The Products

OSS Telecom Technology has a diverse OSS-based repertoire of products to support the telecom industry. CARIBOU was their first product. It is a subscriber billing system. CARIBOU includes traffic processing and bill generation. Accounts payable, package administration, customer care and administration are all included. Each module within CARIBOU can be used independently.

OSS Telecom Technology offers the MEDUSA service. The MEDUSA product offers network support through configuration, control and management of network elements.

The Market

The market potential is huge for OSS Telecom Technology’s products, evidenced by what appears to be the unstoppable growth of the telecom industry is quite promising. The telecom industry is the largest growth industry at the moment and has contributed huge capital market gains. As just one sector of the telecom market, cell phone proliferation is growing at rates unimaginable at present. It is predicted that by 2020, 65% of children between the ages of 10 and 15 will own cell phones. Broadband Internet service is also forecasted to achieve record penetration. Within three years it is expected that 85% of the population will have access to some sort of broadband connection with 60% of that group subscribing.

OSS Telecom Technology targets two market segments. Tier 2 telecom providers are the first. This market has a 8% annual rate of growth and 481 potential customers. The second targeted market segment will be Tier 3 telecom operators. While the annual growth rate of this segment is less at 6%, there are more potential customers, 2,011.

Management Team

OSS Telecom Technology has assembled an experienced management team to guide the company through this highly competitive industry. The industry experience of the assembled team played a major role in their selection. Telecom industry is complex. It is important to have a deep understanding of the unique sector. Victor Smith has been named CEO. Victor has over 25 years of experience in telecom. Victor has served 12 years as COO at Atlas Telecom. A major player in the telecom industry. OSS has another Atlas Telecom executive in the person of Kenneth Jones. Kenneth Jones is the Executive Vice President. He has previously worked with Harris Corp and NCR Corporation. Kenneth brings a wide range of experience to OSS Telecom Technology. James Jackson, who has extensive experience from IBM, Atlas Mosaics, Lotus Development Corporation and Mosaics is also an Executive vice president. Ken Smith brings with him topical experience from MIDCOM Communications, US Intelio Networks to complete the management team.

OSS Telecom Technology will break-even in the second year thanks to their excellent product offerings and strong management. After a first year net loss, year two will see a positive Net Profit, which will then increase by a significant amount in year three. The year-one sales of OSS Telecom Technology are forecasted as moderate and will increase significantly by year three.

1.1 Objectives

OSS Telecom Technology’s operating model was designed to achieve our goals, which include:

  1. Developing OSS solutions in telecom operations.
  2. Market high quality, high value products
  3. Training and competitive incentives are key to developing human resources.
  4. Practice customer intimacy business models

1.2 Mission

Our mission it to be the global provider of convergent OSS solutions that are high-quality and high-value to telecom operators. These scalable solutions can be scaled to provide flexibility and support for meeting all requirements.

Meet or exceed customer expectations

1.3 Keys to Success

Strategic Imperatives

OSS Telecom Technology took a few distinct strategic steps to realize its mission. These choices have been developed based on two key factors:

  • The OSS marketplace
  • The company’s capabilities

These choices translate into key strategic imperatives which OSS Telecom Technology is pursuing to gain leadership in the OSS market. There are three levels of telecom operators. Tier 1 operators have a subscriber list of more than one million subscribers, Tier 2 operators have a subscriber pool between 100,000 and onemillion, and Tier 3 operators have fewer than 100,000 subscribers.

  • Value focus: OSS Telecom Technology will focus on Tier 3 operators, providing full featured, scalable, and reliable products and service at competitive prices. OSS Telecom Technology will offer software products at a 20-40% discount to Tier 1 rivals Kenan and LHS. However, they will still provide all the features and services of these players. While Tier 3 competitors such as Moscom are cheaper, they will not be able compete with the features or service OSS Telecom Technology provides.
  • Wireline & Product Portfolio OSS Telecom Technology’s product range will change from Global Systems for Mobile Communications. It will now include other wireless, fixed and Internet-based billing solutions. While initial products were GSM-based, OSS Telecom Technology is already broadening its product lines to include local loop billing and convergent billing capabilities, which are key customer requirements.
  • Engineering Center of Excellence OSS Telecom Technology plans to continue developing its low cost, high-quality software program development and programming center in Taiwan. This offers significant cost advantages compared to U.S. and Europe-based rivals.
  • Consulting Services OSS Telecom Technology will combine products and consulting services to build strong customer relationships. This will allow OSS Telecom Technology to expand its product offerings. Consulting services will enable us to provide a more personalized, relationship-driven service to our customers. OSS Telecom Technology is open to pursuing projects that could be turned into products or marketed to potential customers. OSS Telecom Technology will use strict criteria to decide which consulting projects it accepts. If the opportunity exists to ‘#8220’ productize or duplicate the solution, the project won’t be pursued.
  • Marketing Channels An international marketing and sales team will set up both direct as well as indirect sales channels. OSS Telecom Technology has established a network that includes experienced, motivated, and on-the ground sales and marketing personnel to take advantage of the opportunities available in each geographical region. These teams will develop both direct customer relationships as well as indirect channels (through system integrators, switch makers, etc.). OSS Telecom Technology can leverage its indirect channel partners. OSS Telecom Technology is committed to supporting indirect channel partners. Compaq, as a partner, will allow OSS Telecom Technology greater geographic reach, credibility, or customers than would be possible without them. These partnerships will be nurtured by specific partner support programs.

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