Shipment Monitoring Business Plan Leave a comment

Shipment Monitoring Business Plan

NaviTag Technologies, LLC (NaviTag Technologies), is a Massachusetts-based start-up company that was established to create the first location and security monitoring system for maritime container cargo shipments.

Our solution is designed to meet the needs and requirements of two types of customers: shipping companies worldwide that transport cargo, and government agencies that monitor such movements.

This is the first time that these users can securely capture and handle shipment data without relying upon equipment owners and/or shipping partners integrations. This is possible by attaching a removable tracking device to the exterior of a container. The tracking device reports its position and status to an Internet accessible central data base throughout the container’s journey. Once it is removed, the recipient will return the item to the owner.

This type of monitoring service is not available in the transport industry yet, but we plan to dominate it.

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The Concept

NaviTag Technologies was founded to offer shippers or government agencies a portable and reusable device that will track cargo shipment with greater accuracy than current event-based historical systems.

This electronic tag will track the cargo but not the container. It allows the owner to select which cargoes should be monitored. It can be introduced anywhere within the supply chain to provide the security information that government agencies are seeking to protect U.S. ports from importation of dangerous cargoes.

NaviTag Technologies core revenues are generated by the sale of these electronic tags #8211 a NaviTag(tm), and access charges to retrieve information. The volume of monitoring shipments will determine the number of NaviTags that an individual group purchases.

Access charges are assessed to the NaviTag owner and are established on the basis on the volume of units in operation. This fee allows access to the NaviTag network and the central database containing the positional and security alert information transmitted from the NaviTag.

The Market

We are targeting the container shipping industry for many reasons. It offers huge growth potential as a $120-billion industry. In 1990, the average annual growth in containers shipped was 8%. This trend is expected to continue into 2010.

Container terminals all over the globe will see rapid growth in the coming decade. In 2005, global container handling throughput was more than 300 million TEUs 1,, and in 2010, it was more than 400 million.

Despite the growth in the container shipping industry, it still remains a very fragmented market. Today, there are more than 500 companies that operate over 2,500 vessels. In the United States alone, there are more than 50,000 exporting and importing companies. The number of companies involved in international container shipping is in the hundreds of thousands.

[1] TEU (Twenty foot equivalent unit), a industry measure of container shipment volume. Containers come in sizes of 20 to 40 feet. One container of twenty feet is equivalent to one TEU, and one container of forty feet is equal to two TEUs.


Jim Galley

Mr. Galley, a veteran technology professional, has more than 15 years’ experience in the management, operation, application, and product development of technology environments. As CTO and founding member of, Mr. Galley brought the company from a business plan concept to processing transactions online in six weeks. Galley has also worked as a technical officer in a data center and has Fortune 50 financial experience.

Bob Magown

Mr. Magown has spent twenty years serving in senior management positions with transportation-related companies. Magown was a founding member of, where he held the role of vice president of Sales. Prior to joining, he was a CAST Ships (CP Ships) employee for 17 years. He held a number of high-ranking sales and marketing roles, including the position of regional director east coast. Bryant College has awarded Mr. Magown a BSc in business management.

Key Financials

Market research was completed as well as the development of a business model.

NaviTag Technologies wants to raise significant capital via private equity placement.

NaviTag Technologies offers incredible growth opportunities. There is an untapped market for a portable, affordable solution to the problem of cargo tracking. Our solution, which empowers the shipper to take control of their cargo information and develops a targeted cargo alert tool to assist government agencies, is the answer to a clearly stated need. This market is available to us and we are determined to take advantage of it. NaviTag Technologies has a unique opportunity. It is based in solid market research, industry experience, and a strong business model. It provides industry players with a unique service that is unmatched elsewhere.

1.1 Mission

NaviTag Technologies’ mission is to provide accurate and timely information regarding container cargo location and status throughout the supply chain. We aim to empower NaviTag owners with visibility and security information about in-transit cargo, eliminating the need for third party equipment tracking systems.

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