Religious Coffeeshop Business Plan Leave a comment

Religious Coffeeshop Business Plan

Inspirational Grounds will provide a relaxing, Christian-focused, neighborhood-centered place with freshly roasted coffee, specialty drinks, good books, and music. Inspiring Grounds can meet the growing demand. Our target market wants:

  • South Central Minneapolis neighborhood business
  • Excellent coffee at a reasonable price
  • A place where you can socialize with other people with similar interests

Inspirational grounds’ aim is to offer a safe, friendly environment for Christian neighbors in an informal, non-denominational setting.

Inspirational Grounds is incorporated as an S corporation. This protects the owner from double taxation and personal liability.

This proposal has been prepared for financing in the amount $80,000. The supplemental financing is required to prepare the selected site, purchase equipment, and cover expenses during the first year of operation. The owner will invest $15,000 of her own into the business.

Inspirational Grounds is able to successfully open its doors and continue operations thanks to this financing. Inspirational Grounds will be able to offer its customers a welcoming atmosphere and high quality products thanks to the large capital investment. Customers need to feel comfortable in a unique, innovative and upscale environment. Inspirational Grounds will have a strong customer base in its first year of operation, which will enable it to become self-sufficient in the second.

Even with our conservative forecast for sales, we will still have positive cash flow every month, repay the loan over 12 years, as well as a positive net worth above $27,000 in year three. In the next three years, our net profits should increase from $12,000 to $14,000.

1.1 Objectives

For the first three year of operation, Inspirational Grounds’#8217′ objectives include:

  • Inspirational Grounds is a new, unique, innovative spiritual environment. It will set Inspirational Grounds apart from the local coffee shops.
  • Inspirational Grounds is committed to providing high-quality coffee in a warm environment for those who are serious about coffee and seeking spiritual growth.
  • The creation of an environment which brings together people with different interests and backgrounds in a common space.
  • To be active and vocal in the community and to continue reinvestment through community activities and financial contributions.
  • Consistently providing excellent specialty beverages, bakery items, inspirational books, and music.

Success Keys 1.2

The keys to the success for Inspirational Grounds are:

  • The creation of a unique, innovative, upscale atmosphere that will differentiate Inspirational Grounds from other local coffee shops and future coffee shops.
  • Fresh Coffee roasted on-site daily will give customers a unique experience as well as excellent product.
  • High quality beverages and products are sold.
  • The creation and maintenance of an environment that is friendly to spiritual seekers. Inspirational Grounds is an educational resource that will help individuals learn more about the spiritual benefits of spiritual growth.
  • Inspirational Grounds was established as a community hub for entertainment and socialization.
  • Encourage the two most important values in Christianity: love and service.

1.3 Mission

An alternative or addition to the local church is a nearby shop that offers excellent freshly roasted coffee, non-denominational Christian literature and tapes. Inspirational Grounds offers specialty beverages, including coffee/espresso and information that enhance the spiritual experience of our customers. We know that people who are interested in spiritual growth need a destination and not just a place to go. Therefore, we offer them both.

Our goal is not to be a secular place, but to be the destination for Christian Coffee Drinkers who are looking for an alternative environment in the Twin Cities. Inspirational Grounds is open to all ages and backgrounds. It offers an innovative, educational, motivating, and upscale environment.

We believe it is important that we remain active members of the community, and have an impact on the lives of our customers in more ways than just selling specialty drinks.

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