Real Estate Website Business Plan Leave a comment

Real Estate Website Business Plan

Although our market position is a result of luck and arrogance, it has enabled us to transform the real estate sector. Our current business plan is not affected by the emergence of e-commerce or the rapid growth of the Internet. The Internet is a tool our company uses to directly supply services to agents’ home offices. However, it still complies with all our legal obligations. Our company has the option to pay 100% commission on all sales for our agents, a status that is reserved only for the best realtors. We can do this by charging them only $200 per month, plus $100 per listing and/or sale. Our projections show that we can achieve this while still generating huge profits. The agents save thousands of dollars, which makes it imperative to join our company. We make a large profit, and customers also save a lot. The agents affiliated with Amerihall are called Amerihall Realest(r); this title is awarded once they have reached the highest quality of professionalism and knowledge of the real estate industry.

Partners in this program have a lot of experience in both automating businesses and knowing the needs real estate agents. This combined with the ability to make changes via the Web gave us the opportunity to create a site devoted to the needs in the real estate industry. This includes agents, clients, suppliers, and even real estate educational services. Our company plans to offer continuing education classes to agents through our website. This will allow agents to access all continuing education requirements from the different states, at a cost, right from their own computers. The process will be complete all the way down to automatically filling their state license renewal through the appropriate agencies.

We are, simply put, “the future of real estate” and with the cooperation of the following affiliated organizations, we believe this will revolutionize the real estate industry.

1.1 Strategic Alliances

AT&T provides all our Web services. It also automates servers that are specifically tailored for agents. Agents can receive all their calls through the virtual floor plan. Each agent will have an extension number. Clients will be asked to enter their extension number when they call our toll free phone number. This will send the call directly to the agent’s office. Clients who do not have the extension number for a specific agent will be directed to another option. The call will then be automatically transferred to the nearest Amerihall agent. AT&T realizes the strength of our business plan and has already anticipated that our growth will be so rapid, they needed to automate their systems further just to handle the demand. Their projection, which is independent of our own, is 10,000 within the 1st year and an anticipation for 100,000 transactions on their network before retooling their system. Their strength lies in the ability to provide all our potential clients with broadband Internet access via cable modems. Our agents can sign up for a discount installation program and a script page is being developed. This page will enable our agents to sign up and receive a discount on their installation program. It will also provide our agents with a link to our website that will promote fast Internet access at a reduced rate. Our company’s growth will be directly impacted on how fast clients and agents adapt to technology: AT&T is the best bet for implementing these future products

Bank of America provides the most services for our business. In the initial talks with our Web Developer, they knew that this company would prove to be a valuable asset to real estate. Aside from providing merchant services that meet our billing requirements, they have also created scripts in collaboration with our Web development team to accommodate the unique needs of Amerihall Agents. Amerihall, Bank of America, and Amerihall have designed a system for agents that allows them to deposit their check directly into our corporate bank account. Agents can do this from their online office terminal. The electronic transfer can be done instantly. It will also print a receipt of direct deposit immediately to the printer. This service is the first of its kind in the market. We offer our clients the best quality assurance in the industry by having our bank certify our monthly escrow accounts.

These measures exceed all state requirements. Bank of America’s software developers are currently developing new features to enable agents and clients to track the transaction from start-to-finish.

Sterling Capital Mortgage , a national brokerage firm that specializes in residential mortgages, is . We have provided the facility for agents to use our website to run a brief credit report on their clients and go online to conduct their own research. The server will print an instant prequalification letter, which allows the client and agent submit an offer for purchase of a particular property. This, again, is a system that was developed specifically for Amerihall and its members.

Lowen Signs, the largest manufacturer of real estate signs in the country, is the best. They created a Web page that allows agents to order customized Amerihall signs. The sign will be shipped directly to the agent.

1.2 Description of Service

The product will be available online, giving agents the ability to manage all their real estate transactions. Already, they have access to our regional multiple listings services via the Internet. This allows them to post their listings and reports their sales. We want to offer them all of the services that a traditional office offers without ever having to visit the designated office.

Agents will be able pick a job to do and the website will direct them to the page where they can complete it.

Agents can order paper supplies by simply going to our vendor area. They will be able to choose the style, quantity and personal information they want printed. The site will connect to a printer, who will fulfill the order and send the material to the agent’s home. We would like the event to be completely transparent for the agent and to appear as another Amerihall service. The same system could be applied to house signs, Errors & Omissions Insurance and home inspection agencies. It would also apply to real estate lawyers. We will also provide a site for a nationally recognized mortgage provider. A realtor can easily enter the personal information of their clients. The site will run a credit report and then download a prequalification letters for the sale of the new house.

Our system allows agents to be charged with credit cards for all services, as well as monthly fees.

Our company will have a blanket Error & Omissions policy. Amerihall will pay an annual fee to the insurance carrier and charge agents a fee of $60 each quarterly.

Finally we will offer all the agents a nationally advertised toll-free number. This number will appear on participating Realestr(r) signs and be associated with the phone extension. The toll-free number will be dialed and the caller will be asked to enter the extension. The phone call would then be forwarded to the agent’s home office.

This number will be advertised nationally for the company, allowing us to promote the same number to all our potential clients using traditional advertising methods. AT&T automation will forward the call to the agent if a prospect calls the number. If Amerihall Realestr(r) fails to locate an agent, the call will be returned by AT&T automation to the corporate offices. A referral fee of 20% will be paid to our office to any non-participating agents if the call fails to reach them.

This will enable us pay for national advertising in order to increase our public awareness without having to burden individual agents with high costs. As technology progresses, we are interested in ultimately doing all of the phone features in-house.

We will have a live online help desk, available during business hours, to answer all of our agents’ questions and concerns. There will also be an online help desk available by email.

A website will provide all the necessary tools for agents to download the forms needed to manage and sell real estate.

The future will see our virtual office use NetMeeting to have a live chat. This will allow agents with the appropriate equipment to communicate with each another, and then address questions and concerns directly.

We would like to also offer agents their own email address, which corresponds with their Amerihall picture.

1.3 Descriptions of Companies

Amerihall combines the ownership of numerous real estate companies, franchises and partnerships. Hall Properties Realty, Inc. is a real estate brokerage that has been in operation for more than 18 years. It also owns a management and sales company. Hall properties also has franchise rights for D.B.A. residential franchise. Re/Max Junction. We have made our real-estate sales more creative by using technology.

We found flaws in all aspects of real estate selling technique. A traditional real estate office follows a model whereby brokers provide basic equipment and an office. phone, fax, computer, printers). They will also supply all necessary requirements as required by state law. The company will have a business location that can be inspected by appointed agencies during normal business hours by the state. The office and all pertinent documents for running the business will be open for inspection through the designated business hours. They are required to provide at least one designated agent who will answer any questions regarding real estate.

There is no limit to the number of agents under one broker’s license, and the only rule designated by the state concerning the amount of agents is that all of their licenses must be displayed conspicuously in the office.

In the traditional office, 20%-50% commissions are received by the company from sales generated through the agent. They can make thousands and still charge agents for miscellaneous items. This can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollar per month.

The Re/Max fee is a desk fee that is charged monthly on a triple net rental. An agent will pay an average $2,000 per month in desk rental, and a shared fee to cover all expenses such as utilities, salaries, supplies, and so on. ).

In both cases the agent remains responsible for personal advertising set up to benefit the office. They are never guaranteed to get the fullest return on their investment.

Our plan is for individual agents to be able to use the Internet to provide them with the freedom to work from their own homes and use a computer, fax and Internet connection to meet all of their clients’ needs. The agent is allowed to advertise as permitted by law, and they receive all of the investment proceeds. Amerihall agents are paid a flat fee equal to $200.00 per month, and $100.00 for each transaction. Agents receive 100% of their commissions.

1.4 Mission

Amerihall was founded to transform real estate business. We reduce the expense of traditional offices by replacing them with virtual real estate offices that are online. Real estate agents can save as much as $30,000- $50,000 per year by using Amerihall. This will allow them to increase their profits and be able to charge less to consumers than traditional realtors. The result is that the consumer will ultimately save thousands of money on the sale of their property.

1.5 Financing Requirements

The owner invested $125,000 in the company. The remainder will be paid by new members and the sale of services.

Our interest in seeking outside funding is solely for the purpose of expanding on a national level. Funds will be used to market Amerihall across the United States. Direct marketing campaigns will be used through lists obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests from individual state licensing authorities. Our campaign will only be slightly modified to account for the differences in state laws or regional policies related to real estate agents.

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