Organic Restaurant Business Plan Leave a comment

Organic Restaurant Business Plan

This restaurant business plan for Studio67 is a new medium-sized eatery located in a trendy district of Portland. Studio67 will focus on creating and eating organic, creative ethnic food. Studio67’s commitment toward sustainable development has resulted in an emphasis on organic foods. The restaurant also tries to source local ingredients whenever possible, which reduces the dependence on fossil fuels that are used for transportation.


Studio67 is a fun, trendy place for Portlanders to enjoy great food and a friendly atmosphere. Mario Langostino can cook a wide variety of ethnic dishes and recipes. Studio67 projects that the majority of the purchases will be made from the chef’s recommendations. Ethnic recipes will be used to provide the customers with a diverse, unusual menu. Mario will also emphasize healthy dishes because he is aware of the rising demand for healthy food in the restaurant business.


Studio67 believes that the market can be segmented into four distinct groups that it aims to target. The first is the 400,000-strong lonely rich. The second group will be targeted are young happy customers who are growing at an annual rate 8% and have 150,000 potential customers. Rich hippies who want organic foods and other ethnic dishes are the third group. The third and final group, 350,000 people in Portland are dieting women.


Studio67 has a solid management team. Andrew Flounderson has been appointed general manager. Andrew has extensive management experience of organizations ranging from six to 45 people. Jane Flap will manage all finance and accounting functions. Jane Flap has seven years’ experience as an Arthur Andersen CPA. Jane’s financial control skills will be invaluable in keeping Studio67 on track and profitable. Studio67 is also home to Marion Langostino (chef), who will manage the back-end production. Chef Mario has over 12 years of experience and is a published, visible fixture in the Portland community.

Studio67’s financial success will be the most important thing. The company will provide high-quality service, clean and delicious food. Studio67 plans to increase the menu prices as the restaurant becomes more crowded. They also plan to charge a premium for the experience of being part of the “in crowd”.

The market and financial analyses indicate that with a start-up expenditure of $141,000, Studio67 can generate over $365,000 in sales by year one, $565,000 in sales by the end of year two and produce net profits of over 7.5% on sales by the end of year three. In year two, profitability will be attained.


  1. In the first year, sales of $350K were achieved. The second year saw more than half-a million.

  2. Personal expenses are below $300K in the first year and under $400K in the second.

  3. Profitable in year two, better than 7.5% profits on sales by year three.


Studio67 is a great place to eat, combining an intriguing atmosphere with excellent, interesting food that is also very good for the people who eat there. We want fair profit for the owners, and a rewarding place to work for the employees.

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