Magazine Publisher Business Plan Leave a comment

Magazine Publisher Business Plan

Group Publishing, Inc. (Group Publishing), published ‘#8220′ magazine Artists In Business’. The magazine has printed its first issue in July/August 1996. It is targeted at artists from all levels of the United States. Group Publishing is aiming to have a total combined circulation #8220 of Artists In Business #8221 in year one and a further increase of 310,000 by the end year three. The magazine will appear bi-monthly. Press runs will increase over the next three years. Subscriptions will be built by sample distribution, organizational sales, direct mail to targeted artist lists, and direct mailing.

Group Publishing will market the books via direct marketing as well as through established artist distribution channels. Group Publishing will market books directly through its magazine readership.

Publishing is a high profit and high margin business. Marketing success is key to your success. To quickly increase its total circulation, the Group developed a multi-dimensional and focused sales and marketing strategy. The same methods and channels were used to establish a circulation base of 500,000 within the first year of Visionary Artist’s periodical.

The Group’s plan is a success. It will generate sales revenues of $3.1million, $4.8million, and $6.4million for the first year. The net profit will continue to rise over the next three-years.

The following chart illustrates the key points of the business strategy. Every year sales, margins, net profit, and profits increase. The first year is the most profitable, due to the marketing expenses of growing the circulation base.

1.1 Objectives

The Group has the following initial goals:

  1. To raise seed capital in excess of $150,000 to publish the book by month 2 and establish a cash reserve for future market subscriptions.
  2. To have 90,000 subscribers by the end of year one through direct sampling and marketing.
  3. To increase the number of subscribers to 50,000 by the end year one using organizational sales.
  4. To have 10,000 additional two year subscriptions sold.
  5. Initiating publication of two 36-page issues with press runs totaling 50,000 promotional copies.
  6. To go to 48 pages by issue number three and increase press runs to 75,000 promotional copies.
  7. Increase to 100,000 promotional copies in issues five and six.
  8. Increase average ad page cost from $1,819 to $2,618 by the end of the first year.
  9. Each issue will sell on average 17.5 ads pages during year 1.

1.2 Mission

“Artists in Business” magazine is for any artist who works at any level. The magazine will be a platform to highlight artists who have artistic visions in the marketplace. It will also serve as a role model for other women. Group Publishing, through its magazine, books, and editorial content, will be a vessel to inform artists about artistic principles in everyday business and will encourage interaction among artists as business people. Our mission is to spread the idea of “community” in the workplace.

1.3 Keys to Success

These are the keys to your success:

  • Attaining targeted circulation levels.
  • Controlling costs while spending the maximum on subscription marketing in year one.
  • Monitor all media executions carefully for response rates.
  • Following-up marketing of two to four titles in the first calendar year.
  • Attain targeted advertising sales revenue
  • High quality editorial content for each issue
  • All production and distribution dates for each issue should be set up in a timely fashion.

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