INTJ Dark Side: 5 Negative Personality Traits They Try To Hide

When working on projects together, you may find that you tend to discuss the overall goals, but neglect to hammer out the details. You are both inclined to talk more about the general idea, and less about the facts and practicalities. When working together to create a plan, make sure you attend to any details that need to be decided, and don’t just assume you’re on the same page. However, that’s not absolutely always the case, as some INTJs treasure words, touch, and gifts very much.

How to Resolve an INTJ/INFJ Fight

Someone who is kind-hearted, intelligent and shares common interests. INTJs are independent individuals who need plenty of space to themselves. If you’re not comfortable with independence or alone time, this may not be the relationship for you.

None of these differences is insurmountable and with a little compromise you can easily meet each other’s needs. Your partner’s job is to respect your need for solitude while encouraging you to attend events that are important to them. Compromise is a two-way street, and in return you must be fine with your partner going out and getting the social stimulation they need without resenting them for leaving you alone. Although you and your counterpart have a similar way of understanding things, it would be a mistake to assume that you’ll agree on important matters.

It is this deep level of supporting their partners that constitutes love in the INTJ’s eyes. They are not ones for PDA’s or unnecessary displays of affection. Their love revolves around encouraging and backing their loved ones.

Love Couch

This means they make their decisions based on emotions. These differences can put a strain on their relationship with the INTJ. Their different energy levels might pose a problem. As earlier stated, INTJs are super introverts. So, while the ENFP is not a super extrovert, they still don’t have the same social energy. So, ENFPs take most of the heat while the INTJ avoids feeling drained by constant small talk.

ENFPs like a little bit of mayhem in their lives. The ENFP and INTJ approach life differently. For the INTJ, their life proceeds from a logical stance. They make decisions based on logic and are generally more realistic about their chances.

When communicating with an INTJ woman, it is important to be direct and to the point. They do not like small talk or meaningless conversations. They want to get to the heart of the matter and find solutions to problems. They appreciate honesty and authenticity, and they do not respond well to flattery or insincerity. INTJ women are also very private and reserved. They do not share their thoughts and feelings with others easily, and they can often come across as cold or unapproachable.

And it feels dishonest to play the game – like I’m using my insight into others for personal, manipulative ends. Rarely do I feel like I get to be true to myself in dating. So according to this article, we should just all become a bunch of ESFP’s.

My INTJ actually gets me and we have that telepathic mutual understanding and connection and it feels unparalleled from anybody I know, any other type. Te actually is tribe reasons, while Fe is tribe feelings. Im also looking forwad to our 30s and 40s where Im supposed to grow my Ti and he his Fi-wooot! I hope no huge stressirs hit us like they did in our first 2 years married too omgosh.

The INTJ won’t ever tolerate your inconsistently. It means that they really stick to whatever plan has been made. When you said you are going to come on Friday night, then you better come at the perfect date and time. You don’t have any chance to switch it suddenly to Saturday because it would make the INTJ mad. Many of them avoid short-term flings and hit the brakes whenever the thought of being not compatible with each other get them.

This doesn’t only apply to being around big groups of people, but even to family, close friends, and our partner, so this really isn’t something to be taken personally. If you find your INFJ partner wanting to spend some time alone, let them. For introverts, not getting enough alone time can cause frustration, resentment, and fatigue. As much as we want to spend time with you, we need to spend time with ourselves too. Free membership gives you meet on these sites such as many services increased by other mobile dating, 500.