Financial Planning Business Plan Leave a comment

Financial Planning Business Plan



Portland Oregon has many people who need investment advice and estate planning assistance.


Grizzly Bear Financial Managers specializes as a financial planning and estate-planning consultancy. Grizzly&#8217’s services are comprehensive in terms both of the products offered (mutual funds, equities or estate planning) and the depth of research. While it is expensive for Grizzly, to conduct extensive research on potential investments and possible options for clients, the up-front expense will be offset by a long-term relationship likely to be built out of earned respect.


Grizzly Bear Financial managers will market their services for two distinct groups, those who are looking for investment advice and those that need help with estate planning. These two groups will be targeted through networking activities and public seminars. Potential clients will become long-term ones because of Grizzly&#8217’s competitive advantage, which includes thoroughness in services provided and deep research.


The buying patterns of consumers are often influenced by their networks or people they know. This is because the industry of financial planning is so populated it is quite hard to make a decision for choosing a service provider. Since many/most people after a certain age have at least visited a financial planner it is not difficult to get a referral for a planner.

Why Us

Grizzly Bear Financial Managers’#8217’ mission is providing comprehensive financial planning solutions for our clients. We are here to keep and attract customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will surpass the expectations of customers.



Grizzly is on track to reach profitability in month eight. It will also have modest profits at the end of three.

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing Needed

Meghan will invest $23,000 to launch this business.

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