Engineering Business Plan Leave a comment

Engineering Business Plan


Compton Geotechnical Associates Inc. (CGA) will provide innovative approaches to geological engineering services throughout the state of Maine.

CGA will enter into this limited geographical area where it can leverage its staffs’ existing collective reputation into long-term contracts centered on excellent service and cost effectiveness. We believe we are able to service this small market better than larger firms, and we offer better service packages at a lower cost than comparable competitors.

The Company

CGA is a Delaware-registered limited liability partnership. This will allow it to be tax compliant. The founder of CGA is Mr. Martin Compton, who was formerly the head of Wilson and Brown’s Engineering Geology Department. He brought together a group of highly-respected geologists, engineers, and graphic arts specialists with a combined total of 35 years of expertise in this field.

The company currently has only a small number of private investors. They do not intend to become public. The company has its main offices in Augusta, Maine. These facilities include a soil/rock/water testing lab, conference rooms, and office space. The company plans to start offering its services in January 1, 2001.

The main clients of the company will be large construction companies, local, state, and municipal governments, as well as utility and water companies. Our focus on institutions that have special needs will allow us to provide better service and a superior service.

The Services

CGA provides comprehensive geo-engineering services for our clients. Our services fall into two main categories of geotechnical engineering services and construction monitoring/laboratory testing.

These services include slope stability analysis, surface and groundwater evaluations, bluff analyses, laboratory analysis for soils, rocks, and groundwater as well as load testing and settlement analysis. Each project is customized to our client and its scope, length, depth, reach, and cost are unique.


This market offers many opportunities, especially considering recent federal and local regulations that require potential customers to conduct geotechnical monitoring and studies before construction.

For the past twenty-years, the industry of geoengineering has experienced rapid growth. The Journal of Hydrology & Geoengineering reports that the industry has increased at an average of around 22% per year for the past five years. The geotechnical consulting business consists of thousands of smaller consulting organizations and individual consultants for every one of the few dozen well-known companies. These companies range in size from multinational corporations with a strong brand to small local businesses that employ tens of thousands.

Financial Considerations

These are the start-up assets that are needed. This includes [see Start-up table] in expenses and the rest in cash needed to support operations until revenues reach an acceptable level. The majority of the company’s liabilities will be sourced from outside investors and management investment. However, we have [see Start-up Table] current borrowing from Bank of America Commercial Investments. The principal will be paid off within two years. Charter Bank of Augusta has a long-term mortgage of [see Start up Funding tableau] that will be paid off within ten year.

The company expects to reach profitability in year one and does not anticipate any serious cash flow problems. The average profitability per segment per month will be $8,000. This is our conservative estimate. We believe that approximately three projects per monthly will ensure a breakeven point.

1.1 Objectives

Compton Geotechnical Associates (CGA), has the following three year goals:

  • Achieve break-even by year two.
  • Set up long-term contracts for at least four clients
  • Establish a minimum of a 95% customer satisfaction rate to establish long-term relationships with our clients and create word-of-mouth marketing.

1.2 Mission

CGA is committed to providing innovative services in geological engineering. It also strives to establish lasting relationships with its clients through long-term, effective service delivery.

1.3 Keys to Success

CGA’#8217’s key to profitability and long-term survival are:

  • Create long-term contracts that demand constant monitoring or on-call services.
  • Maintaining a good working relationship with clients to build repeat business and establish a high-quality reputation.
  • Establish a comprehensive service experience for our clients that includes consultation, field and laboratory work, in-house design, analysis, and follow up monitoring of geo-hazards.
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