Hardwood Floor Refinisher Business Plan Leave a comment

Hardwood Floor Refinisher Business Plan

Wooderful Floors offers wood floor restoration in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company was formed as a L.L.C. by Logan Madison.

Keys to Success

Wooderful floors has identified key keys to success that will enable it to grow its business and become profitable in the first year.

  1. Attention to detail Every floor must be completed to exacting, caring standards.
  2. 100% customer happiness : Every customer has to be satisfied with their work.
  3. Business efficiency: All processes and activities in the business must be analyzed and determined if the most efficient process is being used.


Wooderful Floors will emphasize environmentalism and trustworthy experience in order to gain market share. Wooderful Floors exclusively uses a water-based finishing product. The relatively new product, which is not toxic and doesn’t emit harmful fumes into air, is just as durable than the polyurethane options. Many homeowners are forced to leave their home due to the toxic fumes. Wooderful Floors has extensive experience with this water-based product. Logan is the most experienced service provider for water-based products.


Logan Madison received his Bachelor of Arts from Allegheny College. He worked as a floor refinisher for the last several years with a general contractor. Logan started using the water-based products the very first month they were available and began to learn more about their proper use.

Logan will be Wooderful Floors’ first year of profitability by using his combination of skills and experience. Wooderful Floors expects to see steady sales growth for the next two years, with corresponding increases in net profits.

1.1 Mission

It is Wooderful Floors’ mission to offer the highest-quality environmentally-sound wood floor refinishing service in Pittsburgh. Wooderful flooring will quickly develop a loyal base of customers through fair pricing, quality craftsmanship, and 100% customer service.

1.2 Keys to Success

  • Attention to detail, every floor must be refinished to perfection.
  • Wooderful Floors’#8217’s work must satisfy all customers.
  • Wooderful Floors should be remembered that floor refinishing takes a lot of work and love. To be a sustainable company, Wooderful Floors must also pay attention to the details regarding business efficiency.

1.3 Objectives

  • To become the premier environmentally-sound wood floor refinisher.
  • You can be financially successful in the first year.
  • Significant gains in market penetration

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