Computer Repair Business Plan Leave a comment

Computer Repair Business Plan



We rely on computers. Anyone without a way to get reliable expertise via a friend, colleague, employer, or family member is in trouble. We solve that problem.


PC Repair will offer technical support and repair (repairs of computers, training and networking) to small businesses in the area as well as individuals. The company’s marketing strategy will be focused on quality, responsiveness, customer service, and building and maintaining customer relationships.


Due to the extraordinary pace of technological innovation in the computing industry, there is an ever-growing demand for businesses who can advise and update customers about computer-related issues. In town, the majority of potential customers are dissatisfied with existing options, creating an attractive niche for an innovative start-up. Our business will generate the largest share of revenue from small businesses that use PCs. Business Week expects the computing industry to grow at a rate of 12% and the processor speeds to continue to expand for years to come, providing a rich resource for sales.

PC Repair is focusing primarily on the small business market. These customers don’t usually have a full time IT person but need full-time support. These customers will receive an on-demand, affordable service from PC Repair. We offer maintenance agreements which can help you generate extra monthly income. Our residential customers will receive a highly affordable, helpful service that is very flexible and can be tailored to their specific needs. Our target market will focus on Ramsford-on-Bitstream and the surrounding areas. Market research shows there is ample business for a small company like PC Repair.


Secondary market research shows that customers who are satisfied with their service and do a good job tend to stay loyal to computer service providers. Analysis of PC Repair&#8217’s major competitors shows that there are no significant strengths that could be significant barriers to entry in the market. However, our local competitors have serious flaws.

Computer repair and maintenance is fragmented. There are only a few major national players and many small, local shops. Although most computers can be repaired in the store, right next to the customer, major manufacturers and distributors supply parts for repairs. This can lead to delays that can slow down the repair process. Larger chains have solved this problem by having large inventories in stock. While local stores may offer some relief from the delay, they can still provide customers with personal interaction and trust.

PC Repair has established a relationship with a local distributor to do rapid special-ordering; although this capability is more expensive than normal channels, it will enable us to quickly establish a reputation as efficient and responsive to customer needs, particularly for our small business users. This customer loyalty will help us grow our business through word of mouth and steady growth.

Why Us

PC repair will set the benchmark for on-site computer solutions by offering fast, on-site assistance and quick response. Customers will receive personalized attention at a very affordable cost. Our customers will receive the highest standard of customer service. Our employees will receive extensive training, a great place to work, fair pay and benefits, and incentives to use their own good judgement to solve customers’ problems.



Because of our cost control, we will still see a modest but steady net profit in the first 12 months. Even after moving into a lease space and hiring more technicians. Although we do lose some money the second and three years later, the salary of the owner and any cash flow losses are covered. Additionally, there will be tax advantages. We expect to be financially profitable over the long-term.

Financial Highlights per Year

Finance Required

Starting with $43,000, we will get it. That will be a $20,000 loan and $23,000 from the owner.

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