Business Analysis Publishing Business Plan Leave a comment

Business Analysis Publishing Business Plan

Our Mission: Our mission is to tap into the brightest young minds of today and tomorrow by empowering them to research the trends, themes, and technological advances that are prevalent among college students and decipher how these phenomena translate into the investing dynamics of the stock market.

Description: We offer bright, driven college students who are passionately invested and interested in business a place to gain real experience. The original thoughts and ideas of these business-minded wunderkinds will be available on the Internet at our website: and in a hard copy newsletter printed quarterly and mailed to subscribers. We are an informational publishing firm that offers analysis and key trends in different industries to our subscribers. The Wonderkind’s focus allows students to discuss business matters most relevant to them and their Wall Street analyst counterparts–current market and product trends, social issues, and general stock market dynamics–and decipher how these phenomena translate into current investment opportunities. Our analysts are completely independent of the biases that can be caused by investment banking relationships between Wall Street companies and their clients. Subscribe to The Wonderkind via the website and pay $12.95 per month or $129.95 annually if you are interested in the collaboration findings of The Wonderkind. This flat fee provides unlimited access to our online databases, with email interaction from our analysts, and our quarterly newsletter which contains the most important articles and analyses in printed form.

Opportunity and Strategy: The founding partners will rely upon their own investment wisdom and perspicacity as well as that of their network of peers from other schools from across the country to create the initial knowledge base. This will be used to promote motivated students at any university to submit original ideas for investment to be published on The Wonderkind’s website. Motivated students will be attracted to this opportunity to get recognition and honor via publication on The Wonderkind’s website and in the quality periodical, without any monetary compensation. Based on the high quality of investment analysis submitted, we will look to hire additional full-time writers. We will also compensate them accordingly. As our subscriber base increases, so will the quality and number of articles submitted each year by students.

The Wonderkind offers a variety possible methods for recruitment and implementation, including promotion via university newsletters and magazines and official college newsletters; with business and entrepreneurial schools at other schools; and finally, through family and friend networking and support.

Target Market The Wonderkind subscribers will be motivated by the opportunity to tap into the pulse of collegiate America. The Wonderkind’s target audience is:

  1. Professionals in business enjoy access to a variety of information sources.
  2. Students in college with marketing, finance, or business interests.

Competitive Advantage

  1. There is no other publication currently that taps into the collective intellect of college students.
  2. We are looking for motivated college students who are tired of the inability to arrange internship programs at large corporations.

    • The internship will be available during the school year and during the summer.
    • Students won’t have to relocate because their internship would be conducted electronically.

The Wonderkind’s uniqueness derives from its planned creation a elite team of college student who embody America&#8217s most technologically savvy young generation. Today’s college students have earned more respect from society as a whole and business professionals than ever before. With the incredible success stories of college entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Sean Fanning, everyone seems to have an interest in the pulse of the collegiate America.

Economic Potential: We project over one million dollars in annual revenue every year using our five-year projections.

Starting in two years’ time, we may see additional value-added service and cross marketing initiatives that could add to our bottom lines.

Management. Frank Peanut and Jacob Sweller are both founders with unique backgrounds and resumes. Each brings to the table unique personal qualities that will compliment each other as they grow and manage their businesses.

Frank Peanut is majoring in finance and is ranked in the top 5% of his class. His mentorship experience includes working under two Minneapolis hedge fund managers. Frank is currently the co-fund manager of the Investment Club, which has approximately $400,000 in assets. Frank started managing his own funds in the equity markets at the age of 14 and has continued to do so ever since. After graduation, Frank plans to work in the Investment Banking industry briefly before pursuing graduate school.

Jacob Sweller is on the right track to get a dual diploma in finance and politics. Jacob, enrolled at the Honors Program, scored a 1500 SAT test score and is currently ranked within the top 10%. While at school, Jacob has been extremely active in the business arena and has directed business-consulting presentations to the Credit Suisse First Boston investment banking firm as well as McKinsey & Co. consulting firm. Jacob has received over 30 prestigious awards in academics and athletics over the past few years. Jacob is the current Co-fund Manager for the Investment Club, which oversees approximately $400,000 worth of assets.

The Listing – We would like to offer a large share in The Wonderkind in return for our desire financing to cover our start-up expenses associated with the promotion of our services. We are open for negotiations.

Risques: Although any investment in start-up companies involves high risk, we will use any funds received wisely and conservatively. The Wonderkind does not operate as an Internet company. We are an informational publishing firm that offers services to clients to highlight key trends across various industries. Because it is cost-effective, we have chosen to use the Internet for distribution.

1.1 100 Word Summary of Business Venture

The Wonderkind is a publishing company that provides information. It allows students with exceptional business/investing skills to talk to their Wall Street counterparts about current market trends and other issues. They also discuss how these changes can be translated into investment opportunities. Our analysts do not have to be influenced by the financial relationships that exist between Wall Street investment banks and their clients.

Contact personnel and team leaders

Frank Peanut: [email protected]. Office: (555) 589-3432

Jacob Sweller: [email protected]. Office: (555) 589-3453

1.2 Objectives

We offer bright and motivated students who are passionately interested in the stock exchange a platform to gain real business knowledge by allowing them analyze companies and write about them.

These are our goals for growing our subscriber base:







Service Subscribers:






1.3 Mission

Our mission is to tap into the brightest young minds of today and tomorrow by empowering them to research the trends, themes, and technological advances that are prevalent among college students and decipher how these phenomena translate into the investing dynamics of the stock market.

1.4 Keys for Success

Below is a list that outlines the crucial steps we will take.

  1. Recruit qualified

Our services allow college students to bring their research from around the nation.

  • Ensure that the content we publish is truly original and unique in all aspects.
  • Investors and interested readers should be convinced of the quality of our service and its unique content.
  • Market our concept to institutional interests at the collegiate level and in business to ensure that more than just individual subscribers endorse it.
  • Maintain existing subscribers and persuade these people to recommend our services to others.
  • Our costs should be kept low to ensure sustainability and long-term success in all our operations.
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