Emergency Shelters Business Plan Leave a comment

Emergency Shelters Business Plan

Transitional Housing of Pittsburgh is a start-up not for profit social service agency serving the greater Pittsburgh area. Amy Rand founded the organization. She has both the practical experience as well as the education necessary to manage it. Amy is currently forming a strong Board of Trustees to make the organization more valuable.


Transitional Housing of Pittsburgh provides housing for women in need and training them in life skills. It provides assistance for women often homeless in transitioning from abusive, dependent relationships into self-sufficient, independent lives. Additionally, it assists clients in child reunification. This is important since 80% clients have children, but no custody.

This is the only woman-only facility in the city and also the only one offering long-term, transitional housing. All other shelters only offer 30 days or less of housing whereas Transitional Housing offers up to two years. To assist clients, there is a counselor for chemical dependency and AIDS, as well as a counselor for family reunification.

The eight-step program teaches clients life skills and provides support. The key to self-sufficiency is achieved through a collaborative empowerment approach. These steps include personal development and vocational training. Substance abuse counseling is also included. Interpersonal skills building, community involvement, leisure activity, and independent living skills are all part of the process.

The Market

Transitional Housing has identified two distinct segments of customers according to their age. These are those below 30 and those 30 and older. The distinction is important because of the high percentage of clients with children, and those in the younger market segment having far younger children. The age group under 30 is increasing at 9% annually, while the 30- and over age groups are increasing at 8%. Each group has 165.454 potential clients and 155.745 clients. Most clients are from lower socio-economic groups. Although these segments are difficult to reach, Transitional Housing’s services could provide them with some significant benefits.


Amy Rand is the executive director and the driving force behind this organization. Amy has a B.S. Amy has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology degree from Case Western Reserve University as well as a Master of Non-Profit Business Management from the University of Pittsburgh. Additionally, she has several years of social service project management. Amy, who was program manager at Pennsylvania’s largest provider of domestic abuse assistance services, developed a proactive empowerment plan that became the foundation for Transitional Housing’s collaborative approach. Amy has built an extensive network of professional connections and personal relationships with key community figures during and since her tenure at program manager. This will allow Transitional Housing to be more prominent in the community, and also make a significant contribution to fundraising activities.

1.1 Mission

Transitional Housing’s mission is to offer women in Pittsburgh safe, transitional housing alternatives, teach many skills that empower women to become self-sufficient, and facilitate the possibility of reunification with their children.

Success Keys 1.2

  • A strong and active Board of Trustees is essential.
  • Ensure that your services meet market requirements.
  • Financial controls and accountability must be implemented and maintained.

1.3 Objectives

  • Both start-ups and operations require sufficient funding.
  • A women’s-only transitional housing unit that offers housing and empowers women should be created.
  • Develop a strong Board of Trustees that can offer guidance, help with fundraising efforts, and oversee the smooth operation of the organization.

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