Consulting Seminars Business Plan Leave a comment

Consulting Seminars Business Plan

Seminars is a specialized seminar company offering a powerful combination seminars and software. It was founded in Eugene (OR). It will provide business plan software as well as seminars on business planning.

1.1 Mission

Seminars on business planning and related subjects provide participants with a fast learning environment. They include both the tools as well as the knowledge and skills to use them. It is a concentrated educational experience that cuts through traditional business schools and provides the essential knowledge in a practical setting. The business provides a comfortable living for its owners, fair compensation to employees, and a creative, healthy work environment.

1.2 Keys to Success

    • Repeat business with corporate customers
    • Seminar-oriented sales and marketing to generate people in the seats.
  • Profiting from sales and marketing alliances

1.3 Objectives

  • At the end of the first calendar year, achieve cash flow independence.
  • Repay any outstanding debts by the end if the second-year.
  • Income growth possibilities for founder-owners.
  • Sales of $200K in the first year.
  • More than $500K in sales by the third-year.

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