Clothing Manufacturer Business Plan Leave a comment

Clothing Manufacturer Business Plan



New Look plans to increase its status as a well-established retail men’s clothing company now in order to become a manufacturer for a upscale clothing line for males aged 20-40. New Look not only develops the clothing line, but supports it with advertising and promotion campaigns. It plans to build brand awareness in order to improve its partnership with retailers. New Look wants to market their line as an alternative and unique to existing clothing lines. They also plan to distinguish themselves through high brand awareness, marketing strategies and exclusiveness.

The key message associated with the New Look line is classy, upscale, versatile, and expensive clothing. The company’s promotional plan includes many marketing communications. The company plans to create accessories for children, men, and women in the future. These accessories will include cologne/perfumes, jewelry and eyewear.


New Look not only develops the clothing line, but supports it with advertising and promotion campaigns. The company will increase brand awareness to strengthen its partnership and partner with retailers.


Our customers are males between the ages of 20 and 40 with a disposable household income. This group has no discrimination and customers hail from many backgrounds. The New Look customer is a versatile man who can fit into any environment and is willing to pay a high price for quality clothing.


Companies are changing their business models to become more efficient and adopt new technologies. Consolidation has been prevalent in this industry in the past few years, as larger companies gain leverage in market position and cost cutting. In the apparel sector, companies can either be manufacturers (wholesalers), retailers, or both. Gap, Inc., an example of a vertical retailer, produces and markets their own apparel, as well as accessories. VG Corporation is a company that manufactures and sells exclusively to retail channels. Tommy Hilfiger, for example, does both. It sells its products to retailers and consumers through retail outlets.

Why Us?

We offer a unique alternative to established clothing lines. We design our own clothes, so you and your friends who are fashion conscious won’t wear the same thing. We are also very aware of trends and brands. Because you found us first, you’ll be the envy of your friends.



The company’s goal is to expand from retail into online, with its own branding, to be sold by the end of the period in other retail stores as well as online.

Financial Highlights Year-by-Year

You will need financing

We want to expand our design portfolio so that our owner can invest $65,000. We also need a $115,000 small business loan. Both will be paid back by our second year with our already established customer base and relationships

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