Artificial Flowers Import Business Plan Leave a comment

Artificial Flowers Import Business Plan

Fantastic Florals, Inc., imports only handmade flowers made by Indonesian artisans. The firm’s main office is located in Anytown Oregon. To handle related matters, a customs house broker is located at Seattle, Washington.

FFI quality items are unique and exclusive. FFI’s target consumers are women who have upper-middle incomes to high-end. FFI’s competitive advantages are that the products are completely handmade unlike other products. FFI hopes to attract people who enjoy the art of making silk flowers. Since FFI products are mostly silk flowers and silk hair accessories, it considers itself to be in the retail gift market, although some consumers purchase the product for themselves.

For the starting year, the company plans to attract manufacturer reps and retailers to distribute the products by attending the Silk trade show in Chicago, Illinois. This trade show is where suppliers of silk flowers and other silk products and buyers meet and arrange deals to sell the product. FFI projects that sales will reach $1.1 million within the first year. FFI plans to also open an exclusive giftshop for our product in Anytown on the Third Street Public Market. It will lease for five-years.

For the following year, the company plans to expand to direct mail catalog sales by being in an established catalog, with a similar target market. FFI projects sales of $1.5 million in Year 2. FFI expects to sell nearly $2,000,000 in its third year.

FFI will add 10 varieties of flowers to its family in Year 3. The goal of maintaining a 25-30% average gross margin is possible. The projected rate of annual growth in sales is 25 percent.

1.1 Objectives

  1. Achieve Year 1 sales of $1.1 million.
  2. Open gift shop in Anytown on Third Street Public Market, with a five year lease.
  3. For year 2, expand to direct mail catalogues.
  4. Maintain gross margin of 25 percent.
  5. Establish annual growth rate of 25 percent.
  6. Increase product variety by including 10 types of flowers in the Year 3 flower arrangements

1.2 Mission

FFI&#8217’s goal is to be an American importer of high-quality, handmade silk gift products. The company guarantees 100 percent customer satisfaction and values friendly service.

FFI’s purpose is to enhance customer appreciation of handmade silk flower and other silk products, and to offer customers beautiful and unique artistic decorations.

1.3 Keys To Success

Fantastic Florals Inc. is looking for key success factors

  1. Product quality.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Access to manufacturers.
  4. Controlling fixed and variable costs during first two years.

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