Wireless DataComm Business Plan Leave a comment

Wireless DataComm Business Plan

Pie in the Sky Wi Fi (Oregon) is a company that provides secure wireless communications (WiFi), for individuals, businesses and whole communities. Pie in the Sky wi-Fi offers customized, groundup delivery and data services in the metropolitan area.

Wi-Fi quickly became the standard in Internet connectivity for many companies, government agencies and organisations. Pie in the Sky Wi-Fi, Inc. provides secure Wi-Fi services to residential and commercial property owners, and traditional Internet service providers who want to improve their current offerings. Pie in the Sky WiFi’s main focus is to provide full support and installation of wireless networks for building owners and municipalities. Pie in the Sky Wi-Fi offers wholesale services to businesses who want to improve their competitiveness as well as the amenities in their towns and commercial properties.

In the last year, wireless (WiFi), installation and ongoing management of networks have increased dramatically. It is predicted that this number will grow at a maximum of 50% annually. Pie in the Sky wi-Fi expects that the total industry segment it targets will grow to $2Billion annually by year four. The Wi-Fi industry is poised to grow to $190.8 billion. This year has seen a fundamental shift in how Internet services are delivered, as well as hardware and security. Pie in the Cloud Wi-Fi can be among the first to enter this growing market. Potential competitors are not necessarily a problem due to the fragmented market. The market will be able to attract more competitors and increase overall industry sales. There is a great opportunity in this sector. Pie in the Sky WiFi is aggressively deploying its services everywhere there is demand. This is because of the short-term chance to get a foothold in the market. Pie in the Sky WiFi’s innovative sales strategy and install manager strategy will allow the company access to all potential opportunities, regardless where they are located. We believe that market consolidation and the opportunity for a ‘#8220gold-rush’ will occur by year 4.

Management’s goal is to position the company to be an acquisition target for a market consolidator seeking to increase market share and create a larger network nationwide by the end of the third year. Pie in the Sky WiFi will be in a strong position to sell the business if the business plan has been executed according to schedule and all milestones have been met. The largest telecom, cable, and electrical companies looking to provide these services via public hot spots (or through cellular networks) will be the most likely aggregators. The market will see many new companies enter it over the next four year, including those cellular and telecom companies. The Pie in the Sky Wi Fi Market Focus allows for many smaller and larger competitors. Pie in the Sky Wi-Fi intends to sell the company in a going-concern for no less that $20 million, based on the pro-forma earnings statement and the estimated balance sheet.

1.1 Objectives

  • Over $500,000 in sales the first year
  • Increase contracted sales force to 30 by year 3
  • By year 3, the net worth will exceed $2,000,000

1.2 Mission

Pie in the Sky Wi-Fi will make it easier and more affordable for our customers to provide Internet access. We will reduce their costs for initial installation, enable portability and provide quality, ongoing customer care. Our investors will have a direct route to the next technology trend. We will also provide high-quality customer service and high returns when the company is sold to a market consolidator.

1.3 Keys for Success

  • Management skills include business, technology, branding, and sales.
  • Advantage to the first-mover in an emerging market
  • Detailed installer database, tracking performance and skill sets

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