Wi-Fi Kiosks Business Plan Leave a comment

Wi-Fi Kiosks Business Plan

Stroll Net will offer a unique platform for entertainment and communication through public Internet access. We will create 16 Internet enabled pay-kiosks that can be used in public places throughout Tech City. These locations are frequented both by students and business people, but have no similar competition. Our flagship location is located near the downtown bus station and train station. It will allow travelers to check email, find phone numbers, and get directions from any of the numerous online-mapping websites for less than $1. You can also surf the internet, depending on your budget and time. We can both capture the casual web-surfer and the tourist with a lot of money by accepting real money (coins, dollar bills) as well as credit cards.

Stroll Net answers a growing need. Americans want easy access to all the information and communication methods available online. Stroll Net’s goal is for the community to have an easy and affordable means of accessing the Internet at home and in the office.

This business plan was prepared to receive financing in the amount $199,671. Additional financing is required for the purchase and operation of public Internet terminals and the purchase office equipment, supplies, and vehicles. Cam Piotr (owner) and Bob Green (long-term loan $100,000) have provided additional financing.

Stroll Net is now incorporated as a Limited Liability Corporation. This will shield the owners, Cam Piotr and Bob Green, from issues of personal liability and double taxation. Investors will be treated like shareholders and will not be held liable for any more than their personal $5,250 investment.

Stroll Net will be able to open and continue operations in year one thanks to the financing as well as the capital contributions of the owners. Stroll Net will provide innovative public Internet terminals to its customers and clients thanks to the large initial capital investment. It is essential to offer customers a service unlike any other. Stroll Net’s first year of operation will give it a strong customer base, which will enable it to become self-sufficient in the second year.

Based on cash flows, we expect dividends to be $100,000 in year two and $200,000 the following year for an investment of 299,671. These projections are based upon actual revenues from similar customers to our internet kiosk supplier in other States. In the first year, with a break-even point of $42,599 per month, we expect revenues of $727,072 and net profit of 18.5%, or $134,305. Stroll Net’s revenues will grow to $1,136,000.67 and its net worth to $610,000.320 by year 3. After that, dividends will be dependent on cash flows. In year five investors will have the possibility of being purchased by the company owners.

1.1 Mission

Easy and inexpensive access to the Internet has become a requirement of modern life. Stroll Net offers internet access to both business travelers and users. Young and old internet users can connect to the internet at a minimal cost. They can also use it while they are in hotels, waiting at airports, or shopping in malls.

We strive to be the innovators and leaders in the introduction of a high-quality, public Internet terminal for our current market. We will bring value to the community by providing valuable services and a high-quality product. The most up-to-date technologies will be used by our terminals and the staff will offer exceptional customer service.

Success Keys 1.2

As a new company in the industry, it is important to be focused and to work hard to get acceptance of our products and services on the market. The keys to our success are:

  • The placement of an innovative product and quality service that is able to both expand existing markets and create new ones.
  • A steady, controlled pattern of growth.
  • It is important to establish good relationships with customers and clients.

1.3 Objectives

Stroll Net&

#8217’s goals for the first year are:

  • The introduction of an innovative product that offers an affordable and convenient way for Internet users to access the Internet away from home.

  • The creation and maintenance of an environment that allows travel business people to access their own files, programs, and data.

  • The installation of 100 public Internet terminals that will be used throughout the North MyState.

The following are our growth goals for the next two-years:

  • There has been a 20% increase each year in the number placed on public Internet terminals
  • A growth in revenues by 25% per year.

1.4 Risks

Stroll Nets are not without risks

  • Is there a need for Stroll Net’s services in Tech City?

  • Will the Internet become more popular? Or is it just a fad or trend?

  • Will Stroll Net’s service be affordable for individuals?

  • How much will the cost of accessing the Internet at home fall so that there won’t even be a demand for public Internet terminals on the market?

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