What the Heck Is Web Rendering, and Why Should You Care? Leave a comment

When needed, use the Rendering API to make sure parts of your code only run once. As mentioned above, your global page code and onReady() code will usually run twice, once in the backend and once in the browser. Once the JavaScript execution is complete, the client-side application initializes and begins fetching data from various sources, such as APIs or databases, asynchronously. Two of the prominent frameworks in the JavaScript ecosystem are Next.js and Gatsby which are both based on React, making them compatible with the large collection of React components and libraries. These are offered by all the top frameworks such as Next.js, Gatsby, Svelte, and Preact, which makes it all the more important to learn the differences between them. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

You’ll also want to generate a fallback page to serve if you’re using SWR/ISR to generate new pages, just to make sure your site doesn’t look broken or serve a 404. SSR is best suited to serving pages that need to contain up-to-date, dynamic data, such as product stock levels or pricing if you’re building an e-commerce site, or personalized pages, such as if IT blog a user is logged in to an account on any site. Let’s take a look at the different types of rendering available on the modern web today, and which types of sites, pages and data they are most suited to. Furthermore, with its clip-based nonlinear editor, you’ll be able to navigate between clips and set time operations, such as start or stop time and speed.

Static rendering

Rendering can be done by pre-rendering and real-time rendering; both work differently depending on the object. Rendering is one of the major sub-topics of 3D computer graphics, and in practice it is always connected to the others. It is the last major step in the graphics pipeline, giving models and animation their final appearance. With the increasing sophistication of computer graphics since the 1970s, it has become a more distinct subject.

what is rendering in programming

Rendering, in web development, is the process of converting code into viewable, interactive web content. This involves interpreting the code written in languages like JSX or Vue.js and displaying it as a webpage that users can interact with. To make sure your code is optimized for best performance, perform your setup operations in their ideal location when possible.


Rendering or image synthesis is the process of generating a photorealistic or non-photorealistic image from a 2D or 3D model by means of a computer program.[citation needed] The resulting image is referred to as a rendering. Multiple models can be defined in a scene file containing objects in a strictly defined language or data structure. The scene file contains geometry, viewpoint, textures, lighting, and shading information describing the virtual scene. The data contained in the scene file is then passed to a rendering program to be processed and output to a digital image or raster graphics image file.

what is rendering in programming

It supports the entire 3D graphics pipeline, like video editing, motion tracking, and simulation, making it suitable for creating any type of animation, digital arts, and visual effects. If you’re a web designer or a digital artist, you might be familiar with the concept of the rendering process. It is an essential step in digital art to help you transform a graphic model into a finished result. In advanced radiosity simulation, recursive, finite-element algorithms ‘bounce’ light back and forth between surfaces in the model, until some recursion limit is reached. The colouring of one surface in this way influences the colouring of a neighbouring surface, and vice versa. The resulting values of illumination throughout the model (sometimes including for empty spaces) are stored and used as additional inputs when performing calculations in a ray-casting or ray-tracing model.

What is rendering?

When I read about browsers architecture,rendering is something about displaying fetched content from the internet. On the other hand, there are definitions of client and server rendering (with no browsers mentioned). For example in Backbone.View class we have render method that is responsible for connecting data with markup. Rendering transforms code and components into visually engaging, interactive websites and applications. Rendering means converting code into an interactive webpage that our users can see and utilize its functionality.

what is rendering in programming

ESR can be implemented for a full site, single pages, or even for just parts of pages. This technique renders images ahead of time, but the process may require more time depending on the image complexity and the system’s rendering processing capabilities. Because of this, radiosity is a prime component of leading real-time rendering methods, and has been used from beginning-to-end to create a large number of well-known recent feature-length animated 3D-cartoon films.

Untangle development bottlenecks

ISR is essentially an advanced version of SSG present in Next.js as it allows you to regenerate the static pages after a given time. However, having too many pages generated at the build time can increase the project size and also the build time. As the name suggests, SSR pages are generated on the server and a populated HTML is served to your users, unlike CSR, which serves skeleton HTML and uses JavaScript on the client side to generate HTML. Netlify supports DPR and SWR through the use of On-demand Builders — serverless functions used to generate web content as needed that’s automatically cached on Netlify’s Edge CDN. DPR allows you to statically generate and cache pages on demand when they are requested for the first time.

The Warmup Data API is used to optimize data loading for sites that render both in the backend code and in the client-side code, allowing costly data fetching operations to be done only once. When a visitor browses to one of your site’s pages, that page needs to be set up before it is displayed. Setting up a page includes adding and positioning all of its elements as well as running code that might retrieve the page’s data or perform other setup operations. With the fetched data in hand, the client-side application uses JavaScript frameworks or libraries to dynamically render the content on the user’s browser, updating the Document Object Model (DOM) accordingly. The team at Gatsby realized this problem and introduced DSG which allows developers to generate only the most important pages during build time and generate the rest on the server upon the first user request.

Ray tracing

In path tracing, however, only a single ray or none is fired at each intersection, utilizing the statistical nature of Monte Carlo experiments. Choosing how to render a scene usually involves a trade-off between speed and realism (although realism is not always desired). The techniques developed over the years follow a loose progression, with more advanced methods becoming practical as computing power and memory capacity increased. When the pre-image (a wireframe sketch usually) is complete, rendering is used, which adds in bitmap textures or procedural textures, lights, bump mapping and relative position to other objects.

what is rendering in programming

The first request to a page using DPR will result in an SSR-like experience, after which the generated pages will be served from the cache. There are hundreds of static site generators in the web ecosystem today, allowing you to build static sites using (most probably) any programming language your heart desires, including JavaScript, Go, Ruby, Python, PHP and Rust. With potentially megabytes of JavaScript to process on pages using CSR, your site may end up being slow to load and show data. Additionally, a combination of slow internet speeds, old devices, increasing web page complexity, buggy browser plugins or JavaScript simply not being available in the browser all point to using CSR sparingly. Additionally, we’ve listed the three best rendering applications for different types of work – Unity, Blender, and Maya. Each piece of software offers various powerful tools, from 3D sculpting to motion paths.


CSR became increasingly popular with the mainstream adoption of JavaScript in the browser during the late 1990s. Its place as a core component in the web ecosystem was further solidified with the evolution of Single Page Application (SPA) frontend framework technologies such as React, Angular and Vue. Like SSR, CSR is best suited to dynamic up-to-date data, but it comes with some drawbacks. The further the original request is from the origin server, the longer the request will take to make the journey there and back to the browser.

  • In ray casting the geometry which has been modeled is parsed pixel by pixel, line by line, from the point of view outward, as if casting rays out from the point of view.
  • On the other hand, the pre-rendering technique is primarily used in the motion picture industry, where highly realistic images and effects are required.
  • In this blog, we’ll be taking a closer look at all the modern rendering methods developers have at their disposal, with examples of sites that can leverage them the most.

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