Themed Restaurant Business Plan Leave a comment

Themed Restaurant Business Plan

This plan contains detailed information for investors and the business plan needed to establish and operate Full of Bologna and A Taste of North Italy restaurants, bars, and lounges at the Greensward in Niceburb. The Greensward, which is a $58M fully funded project will open with its Firedrake Glass School and other high-traffic novelty shops and gift shops. There will also be museum traffic of around 2,000 people every day during the summer. The Gaming Bill will be passed in the Stasistate Legislature, which will increase traffic to 12,000+ daily.

Loess Cairn Commons, LLC, has prepared a separate plan that covers The Greensward. It contains more than 100 pages. It outlines business growth, operation methods, infrastructure management, and other details. The plan also includes letters from support from numerous governors, states, high-ranking leaders in business. A third report, which is 100+ pages, supports this business plan. This was prepared by CVE Gambier Bay Real Estate Services, Inc., for Ms. Kitty Morris, Vice President, First Niceburb Bank.

A team of experienced managers are developing this business.

Full of Bologna focuses on local customers, gambling visitors, and tourist restaurant patrons who have a desire for good food and a fascinating atmosphere. Niceburb is found between the Warfside Memorial Bridges, and Stasistate Memorial Bridges. The Greensward is a 25-acre mixed-use public/private development with nautical themes on the Stasistate River, Historic Niceburb, Border County Stasistate. The property development consists of seven buildings, totaling 191,000 square foot, that include retail, restaurant as well hotel and office spaces.

The Greensward is in the Gigametro-Megametro-Jumbometro supersprawl statistical area along the Stasistate River. The buildings are in Stasistate; the dock and it’s ancillary pier with it’s 17-foot draft is in development, as the development border is at the low mean water line, a boundary set in the days of original settlement.

Both the Interstate and state highways make it easy to reach Greensward. A 45-minute drive will take you to the population of 3.6million. Within a 45-minute drive, you will find the metro airport, an upgraded general aviation airport, a leading helicopter facility, and Amtrak.

The city of Niceburb is in the process of revitalizing. It will offer much and people who live there expect the best. Bologna restaurant and lounge will provide a unique dining experience. We will be known for our unique atmosphere, great food and friendly staff. We will succeed by providing excellent and varied food in an environment that attracts those who are looking for something more from life.

Bologna in abundance, A Taste of North Italy is a LLC corporation that will be formed in January under the Laws of Stasistate.

Fluno Gorgonzola, a former Executive Chef to President of the United States and Estate Manager for U.S. State Department Camp David, is the dynamic management team that designs, builds, develops company policy and manages the day-to-day operations. In Hawaii, Tokyo and Brussels, Belgium, Mr. Gogonzola managed $51million per year for a chain with 37 restaurants. 400+ staff served 5,000 meals each day for the federal governments. His 30+ years of experience range from restaurant management for the very first family (small), to hands-on operation success in one restaurant (medium hard-core) to global leadership of a restaurant franchise.

Tsoutsouros Graviera and Vasto Parmigiano Jr. are also included. All of them are well-seasoned in the restaurant and advertising business. Additionally, the 26-member staff is customer-focused and team-oriented.

Full of Bologna will retain the services of a CPA firm to perform professional company audits, prepare taxes and serve as a business consultant to assist in setting achievable long-range strategic goals. We are experts in payroll and can collect and pay sales and use taxes (both Federally and multi-state).

Establishment of Full of Bologna provides Niceburb, Border County, and the surrounding area quality family food, entertainment and catering services. It will fit well into the Niceburb Greensward plan and is listed in their business plans and design as building #7. The Greensward Under Gorgonzola &#8211 includes two other projects. One is a riverside restaurant (Jollyjack Tar Restaurant and Show), and the other is a hotel (The Highfalutin Hotel &#8211). This restaurant is the second Jolly Jacktar Show and Restaurant (#1 is in Historic Malaria Swamp Village Museum at Cape Flotsom in Stasistate).

Full of Bologna is expected to make a large net worth by the fourth year based at current restaurant market prices. However, these projections are based on very conservative estimates. The company can grow its revenue by a lot if it has good management.

The equity for each investor will be based on his or her investment. The Business Ratios offers a comprehensive look at the subject.

There are several ways to reduce risk factors that will ensure Full of Bologna’s success:

  1. Fund sufficient capital to construct and pay expenses for the initial operation. All capital raised by investors will be held in trust until the project is fully funded.

  2. Maintain low overhead cost which increases the bottom line profit. Employees will be multi-skilled and will be trained to provide consistent, high-quality service. Customer satisfaction is the highest priority.

  3. Create a solid customer base. Demographics determine the ideal location. Full-time employees can launch an aggressive marketing plan to ensure desired results. This is especially true when you work with The Greensward.

  4. Involve the community to show how the business will improve your quality of living. Community projects using the local bowling center’s facilities will be developed to help civic groups obtain their financial goals. For tours of the bowling centre, schools, churches, and any other group are welcome.

  5. All payments will come in cash or credit cards, eliminating the need to invoice or collect.

1.1 Objectives

The following outlines the objectives of Full of Bologna

  1. To create a restaurant that surpasses the customer’s expectations.
  2. To increase the number and quality of customers served each year by at least 20 percent through superior performance, word-of-mouth referrals, and other means.
  3. To achieve a clientele rate of 60% within the first year.
  4. Become an established community destination by end of first year for the 3,000,000 people within a 30 minute drive.
  5. Keeping food cost under 35% revenue.
  6. Keep employee labor cost within 24-29% of revenue
  7. You must establish and maintain a reputation of excellence in food and service.
  8. Average sales between $1,000,000 and 2,500,000 annually
  9. Our marketing and advertising efforts in Pennsylvania, Stasistate, and New York will be expanded.

1.2 Keys to Success

Our goal is to create a new and unique 1400s Italian High Renaissance restaurant that will stand out from the rest. Unique design and decor will make the restaurant stand out among other restaurants in the vicinity. Our waitresses will look amazing in period costume. We will provide fine dining in a comfortable atmosphere. The expected 12,000-person daily traffic into the casinos will give us serious seating inside as well as covers per day.

Product quality. Great food, great service and great atmosphere.

This menu is sure to appeal to a diverse range of clients. It’s international and includes authentic North Italian recipes. You will find all the American-Italian classics available. Massive meatballs, huge lasagnas, and fresh pasta.

We will host special theme nights such a restaurant night, an opening by a local artist, Easter dinners or Fourth of July celebrations. Full of Bologna will have a wide range of clients.

The goal is to keep costs under control at all times. Due to intense competition, restaurateurs must look for ways to differentiate their place of business in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. Full of Bologna is aware of this. With its re-development Niceburb needs a place that will fit into the ‘new look’ of the community that is sophisticated and entertaining. The fact that no other restaurants in the area have this concept and atmosphere – presents us with a window of opportunity and an entrance into a profitable niche in the market.

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