Software Publisher Business Plan Leave a comment

Software Publisher Business Plan

Supple Software Company, an S Corporation, was founded by Ralph and Mabel Smith. The company was established in 1993. There have been no outside investments. Supple has three software products, which command a large market share. Ralph and Mabel are interested in taking the company to the next level in sales by 2000.

The goals of Supple are ambitious but achievable. There were sales growth in 1999. The next year, they expect to double. They forecast net profit increases and increases in gross margins that will be proportional. Their goal is to have one employee for every $250,000 of revenue. PC Data has determined that Product X is their flagship product and they will continue to hold a 30% market share. These goals will be maintained by adhering to three keys to success, market power, customer satisfaction, and the right management team.

The Market

Supple is participating in a $3.8 billion market that will have a 20% growth rate for the next three years. Supple targets four segments of customers: small offices, home offices, professionals and academics. These markets are growing at 2%, 5%, 8%, and 0% respectively. These markets each have potential customers of 22,000-15,000, 10,000 and 12,000 respectively. These figures represent the USA market. The major trend in the market is toward international sales. International sales have seen a dramatic increase, primarily due to the Internet boom. While the US market has seen 22% growth for the last three years, it is estimated that the international market will grow at 40%.

The Products

Supple Software currently offers three products. Product X is the most popular Windows task X product and the quality leader. It features an easy-to use interface, rich in help, guidance, glossaries and glossaries. In addition to a powerful business model, extensive financial analysis and strong cash flow analysis, it also offers very strong cash flow analysis. Product Y is a stand-alone task Y application for Windows. It’s the best product to create task Y and the only product that can manage the [omitted] function. Their last product was Product Z, which is a creative business process application.


Supple will follow four concise strategies to achieve the desired growth. They will develop customized versions for their standard products that offer more value for certain customers. They will also build a strong marketing infrastructure. This will make it easier for them to get products onto the marketplace. Supple’s focus will be on small to medium-sized businesses. This segment has been overlooked by most of the competition. Lastly, Supple will focus on follow-up technology which is more appropriate for the masses, instead of leading technology which is best suited for experts.

The Management Team

Mabel, Ralph and Mabel are experienced managers who are capable in executing their ambitious plans. Arrog International has Ralph’s 10 years of experience in sales and marketing. Supple, a software distribution business, was established by Ralph in 1993. He is responsible for its growth. Mabel will also be needed to grow the company. Her years of experience as an advisor will be used.

Supple Software, a dynamic company, was founded in 1993 from humble beginnings and has since grown to $1 million with higher revenue forecasts for 2000. It is remarkable that this was possible with only investments from the owners. There was no outside capital.

1.1 Objectives

  1. To increase sales in 1999, and to double sales in 2000.
  2. To increase gross profit margin and net margin in the appropriate manner.
  3. Limit the number of employees to one full-time employee for every $250K in revenue.
  4. To maintain a minimum of 30% market share in Product X according to PC Data.

Success Keys 1.2

  1. Marketing power. Market share. Our products need to be available on shelves with attractive packaging.
  2. Customer satisfaction and product quality. Every product we sell comes with a guarantee.
  3. Our survival depends on long-term customer satisfaction.
  4. The right management team that has strong foundations and experience in marketing, finance, product development, and management. Enough working capital to survive in the working-capital-intensive retail channel.

1.3 Mission

Supple Software develops software, publishes it, and markets it. This software makes business techniques easily accessible to millions of business people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn them. It makes a profit and generates cash. It creates a positive work environment, fair compensation for its employees, and a fair return for its owners.

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