Seminar Business Plan Leave a comment

Seminar Business Plan

Advanced Linguistic Pontificators was founded by Daug Matisim who is also a best-selling author. Advanced Linguistic Pontificators will be targeting medium- and large-size companies/corporations. Pontificators will quickly reach profitability and achieve $79,000 of net profit by year two.


Advanced Linguistic Pontificators can provide medium-sized to large-sized companies with seminars and training programs covering advanced reading, stress management and time management. Advanced reading will increase speed and comprehension, while also improving memory and comprehension. Stress management will provide techniques for managing stress. Time management will give you methods for making the most of the time you do have. The subjects will be taught in either seminar format or training program format. Seminars are presentations that concentrate on a single topic. The audience only watches the seminar. A training program can be described as a seminar. However, the participants take part in the entire process.


Advanced Linguistic Pontificators will use a three-prong strategy each year to generate a 15% rise in clients. The first is free public seminars. The public seminars are an excellent method of bringing together a diverse crowd of people that would not have otherwise heard of Pontificators before. The second prong is dissemination of printed materials and promotion Daug&#8217 s published works. The last prong concerns word-of-mouth advertising and networking. Daug recognizes the “small universe” of seminars and training programs and will leverage this element to generate significant business from network contacts.


Daug Matism is the organization and an expert in the field he teaches. His two most popular books are ‘#8220;Read Fast and Comprehend More, Recall Lots and Ignore the Fuff’ and ‘Efficiency Gains in Time & Stress Management: Why The Snail is Faster Than the Hare.’ Daug has instant respect and fame for his publications in the field he teaches. The expert knowledge he has gained is the result of both a master’s in education and a communication degree. Daug has a remarkable C.V. and is infectiously enthusiastic about the seminar participants.

Advanced Linguistic Pontificators can fully use Daug&#8217’s extensive knowledge and notoriety for the benefit of the seminar business. Pontificators has forecasted $181,000 in sales for year two.

1.1 Objectives

The objectives for the first three years of operation include:

  • To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.
  • Forbes Magazine lists at least five of 100 top-ranked companies using Advanced Linguistic Pontificators.

  • To increase the number clients by 15% each year.
  • You must be able to sustain your home-based business by generating its own money.

1.2 Mission

Advanced Linguistic Pontificators’ mission is to provide high-quality seminars for companies. We exist to help customers retain and attract them. This maxim will guide everything else. Our services will surpass the expectations of customers.

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