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Real Estate Management Business Plan



MSN Real Estate (MSN) is an Oregon-based real estate company that will offer benchmarked rental units for the Eugene, Oregon community. MSN’s units will balance safety, cutting edge features, and a positive atmosphere for all tenants.


MSN will target three distinct customer groups. They will serve the largest segment, University of Oregon students. This segment is growing at 7% a year with 18,000 prospective customers. This market is particularly attractive because most local rentals that are geared towards students are in poor condition. The second market segment for local professionals is growing at 4% with over 12,000 potential members. The last segment is faculty and staff of the University. This section has a 5% growth rate and 6,000 potential customers.


At 6.7%, there has been an increase in the demand for apartment units of high quality and affordable price. Oregon’s rent rates are steady at $697 or $.79 per sq. ft. during the fourth quarter. Although the Oregon market is seeing rapid employment growth, there is not much new housing. MSN is not only pioneering this niche in affordable quality living; it is also taking advantage of Oregon’s strong economic growth.

Why Us

MSN Real Estate offers comfortable, high-quality rental units in Eugene as well as other parts of Oregon. MSN Real Estate’s apartment buildings offer modern living options that are reflective of both the rapid technological advances and the growing demand for high-quality housing. Our company offers a hassle-free environment where our tenants can enjoy all the benefits of attractive, safe and welcoming units. Unlike many other realty companies that are solely concerned with turning profits, our primary objective at MSN is to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction that is achievable. Our top priorities are tenant safety, happiness, as well as comfort. MSN keeps market prices competitive while working to expand the number owned units and increase total profits. The company will strive to be a cohesive, harmonious unit that is dedicated to fulfilling its mission. Employee satisfaction is just as important to MSN&#8217’s success. That is why the founders of MSN Real Estate believe that employee satisfaction will make the company a success and will be the key to their longevity.



The company will be profitable by the second year. It is currently in negotiations for a 20-unit apartment complex in downtown Portland. It is difficult for us to predict long-term changes in building value, but we estimate that we will be capable of purchasing this building at $570,000.

Financial Highlights Year-by-Year

You will need financing

To get started, we will receive $1,250,000 from different sources. An angel investment firm will be established of $1,000,000. A loan of 200,000. The loan amount will be $200,000.

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