Outdoor Gear Designer Business Plan Leave a comment

Outdoor Gear Designer Business Plan

Simplistic Labyrinth Design Studio is a designer/prototyper for a wide range of outdoor gear. Simplistic Labyrinth can create a prototype according to customer specifications or Simplistic’s imagination. Once the protype is made, the customer can then license the product and sell it as their own. This service is beneficial for both companies that don’t have an in-house designer studio and those that do but can’t produce a few bespoke models.

Simplistic Labyrinth not only has the designs requested by manufacturers but also has many products they have created and will seek out the right company for marketing and manufacturing the product. Simplistic Labyrinth Design Studio will leverage their competitive advantages of imagination and expertise to gain market share. Variable profits will occur over time as a result of this business’s revenue cycle.

1.1 Objectives

The following objectives are set for the initial three years of operation

  • To establish a service-based company with the primary goal of exceeding customers’ expectations.
  • The utilization of Simplistic Labyrinth by at least four multi-million dollar companies.
  • To increase the number client by 20% per year.
  • To establish a sustainable home-based design company that licenses designs to top manufacturers in their respective industries.

1.2 Mission

Simplistic Labyrinth Design Studio’s mission is provide cutting-edge designs to be licensed to manufacturers. We exist to help customers attract and retain them. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

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