Law Firm Business Plan Leave a comment

Law Firm Business Plan

Wy’#8217, East Law Firm (WLF), is a boutique law firm specializing in technology. It is located in Portland, Oregon. The firm will be lead by Richard Bloom, a seasoned attorney previously with (name omitted)’s e-group. WLF will provide services for all needs of technology firms. They specialize in mergers and purchases and qualified stock option programs.

In addition to WLF’s technology practice, we will offer public interest legal work at subsidized rates. This technology practice will enable the firm to offer public interest legal assistance at a fraction of the overhead cost.

WLF is a limited liability corporation founded by Richard Bloom.

1.1 Objectives

WLF’s objectives for the first three year of operation are:

  1. To build a law firm that exceeds customer expectations.
  2. To establish a client database that includes at minimum 20 companies with revenues greater than $3 million.
  3. To improve our ability to serve public interests organizations each year.
  4. To be eligible to offer every year legal services at a subsidised price.

1.2 Mission

Wy&#8217’East Law Firm’s mission is to provide legal guidance for the Portland community in technological and public-interest areas. We exist to help the public-interest community and to keep customers happy. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.

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