Garden Products Recycling Business Plan Leave a comment

Garden Products Recycling Business Plan

Hair Recycling Technologies’ (HRT) area of business will be to: collect, sanitize, and market human hair to be used as a consumer good. Our hair products made from recycled hair will appeal to home gardeners, who will appreciate hair’s unique elements and strong human scent.

We believe that our product will be beneficial to the consumer as it encourages healthy plant life and discourages unwanted pests. Hair Recycling Technologies initially will produce three products: HARE WAY pest deterrent, SMARTSOIL hair fertiliser, and an organic rose bush food.

Hair Recycling Technologies enters a niche market as human hair has never previously been marketed in this way. The founders of the business believe this to be a unique and viable concept that reaches an untapped and high growth market. Due to these factors, this venture has exciting possibilities due to its high potential and unique, innovative nature.

One of its most appealing aspects is that investors will be repaid within one year. The company also will have a positive cash position. In the first nine months, the business is expected break-even.

We are now well on our way to completing in-depth research about human hair&#8217’s positive elemental properties and potential uses. The company is still pursuing this research, but the initial results have been positive.

HRT has expressed interest in the concept from the University of Georgia’s Horticulture Department. The department is planning to collaborate with HRT to test and research the use of human hair to promote plant growth. In addition, nurseries in the South Bend market have shown strong interest in carrying our product upon its release.

1.1 Keys to Success

Businesses operating barber shops and beauty clinics have always found hair clippings a nuisance. In metropolitan areas that handle large amounts of waste, human hair is often disposed in volume at municipal landfills. In the last ten years, recycling and composting municipal solid waste has increased significantly due to federal and state mandates. In 1997, America had more than 9,000 curbside programs for recycling and 12,000 drop-off locations for recyclable material. The EPA established a target-recycling goal of 35 percent by the year 2005, while maintaining the per capita generation of solid waste at 4.3 pounds per person per day. This provides an opportunity for consumers to get the benefit of the many positive properties hair has.

Research has shown that human hair clippings have a high nutrient content. When mixed with potting soil, they will create a better quality plant food and soil enhancer.

Human hair, along with silk, wool, and other organic material, has a high amount of nitrogen. Nitrogen encourages tissue development. The sweepings taken from barber shops could be applied to a compost heap and a huge amount of nitrogen could then be recovered. Six to seven pounds of human hair contain approximately one pound of nitrogen, as much as found in 100 to 200 pounds of manure. Furthermore, hair will fall apart as easily as feathers if it is well-moistened and stored in a compost heap.

William Stafford, Austin Texas, has conducted experiments on 32 varieties of roses. These results show that human hair placed around the roots produces taller stems, bigger buds, and deeper tones. Stafford tested hair at the roots of roses and discovered that it could accelerate their growth. However, it did so slowly as it took the hair many months to die. Stafford created a recipe for plants, which HRT will replicate. Stafford’s rose-food recipe has not been granted a patent.

1.2 Mission

Hair Recycling Technologies aims to offer a consumer a resource that can be recycled so they can benefit from the many organic and physical properties of human hair. In addition, we hope to give the consumer a positive feeling about recycling and the Earth’s environment.

1.3 Objectives

The idea of using recycled human hair as a soil enhancer, plant food and animal repellent is new and innovative for the plant and gardening industry. We think this product will be very successful because of its unique property and the many advantages it offers to gardeners.

This product will be attractive to the consumer not only because it has a growing market and is organic, but also because of its marketable value.

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