Fish Breeder Business Plan Leave a comment

Fish Breeder Business Plan

The Company

Candlelight Cichlid Breeders – CCB will provide tropical fish to aquarists who are unable to obtain them from local pet shops. CCB can ship live fish anywhere in the continental United States to its customers within one to 2 days. CCB will also supply fish to local fish retailers. CCB will offer convenience, variety and a level of service that is unmatched in the traditional tropical fish industry.

Candlelight Cichlid Breeders&#8217’ assets will be livestock watering tanks and aquariums. The tanks and troughs are enclosed in an insulated steel building.

Shawn Halsey, the founder of CCB, will manage the business as a sole proprietorship. For the first 2 years, Mr. Halsey intends to run the business entirely by himself. As sales rise, he will employ a general manager to assist with all operations.

The Product

Candlelight Cichlid Breeders will provide rare tropical fish from the family Cichlidae. They are known for their colourful appearance and aggressive behavior. CCB plans to breed as many as 30 cichlid species. CCB may also import fish that don’t readily reproduce in captivity.

As CCB expands, we will offer more unusual cichlids and live plants. We also plan to introduce new species of South American catfish as well as some more familiar cichlid species. We don’t plan to sell outside the U.S.

The Market

Research has shown that fishkeeping is second in popularity (behind photography in the U.S.). We believe that there will approximately seven million Americans who own an aquarium by the end this year. We predict that about 5% (350,000), will visit our site within one year and that 2.5% (8.750), will actually purchase fish.

CCB has a unique opportunity because most people don’t have access to fish shops that stock a wide variety of cichlid species. You won’t find some of the most fascinating and beautiful cichlids in these shops. Furthermore, the current online fish sellers do not have any background and care requirements information for the fish that they sell. CCB will be able to provide both information about the species we sell and an option to order the researched animal from another website. CCB is expected to operate in a niche marketplace where existing customer loyalty can be a competitive advantage. CCB hopes to provide a comprehensive website that encourages customer loyalty.

The company will target two segments of the fish hobbyist market. These are direct online sales for tropical fish collectors and fish retail stores in the company’s local area. The largest market segment in CCB&#8217 will be Internet users that live in the U.S. continental and own an aquarium.

Financial Projections

Our start-up costs include expenses for the building and for equipment. The start-up costs will be financed by an investor, a bank loan and a small owner investment of initial inventory and equipment.

Our breeding stock will reach maximum maturity in the first months of 2005, so we anticipate reaching our ultimate sales goal. Because the industry is high in margins and has high inventory turnover, we expect high levels of profitability.

1.1 Objectives

The most important objectives of the CCB’#8217 are:

  1. Locate a reliable, fast shipping service.
  2. A monthly sales volume of $10,000
  3. Maintain a six-fold inventory turnover rate

1.2 Mission

Candlelight Cichlid Breeders, (CCB), will provide difficult to find tropical fish of the scientific family Cichlidae for aquarists who don’t have access to them through local pet shops. CCB can breed up to 30 different cichlid species. CCB also will import fish that cannot be bred in captivity. CCB can ship live fish anywhere in the continental United States to its customers within one to two working days. CCB can also ship fish to tropical fish dealers located within 100-miles of the breeding centre. CCB provides convenience and variety which aren’t available in the traditional tropical fishing industry.

1.3 Keys for Success

  1. Efficiently breed several species of tropical fish.

  • Customers receive the fish quickly and reliably.
  • Establish a solid reputation in the fishkeeping community.
  • All major search engines should link to our site.
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