Fire Rescue E-commerce Business Plan Leave a comment

Fire Rescue E-commerce Business Plan

FireRescue Depot is an exciting start-up business that has been registered as an Illinois S Corporation. FireRescue Depot offers search and emergency hydraulic tools and is a vendor. FireRescue Depot sets itself apart by providing a full range of hydraulic tools from all the top industry manufacturers. FireRescue Depot offers a large product selection because they have arranged drop ship agreements with all the manufacturers. This greatly reduces inventories. Steve Dalmatian was the founder of FireRescue Depot. A competition awarded $50,000 in prizes to the winning ecommerce business plan. FireRescue Depot’s unique approach to providing a wide selection and addressing the problem of huge inventory, which is a common problem with large selections, won the competition. Steve’s initial validation of his innovative, profitable business model was when he won the competition.

Products FireRescue Depot offers several classes of tools for search/rescue and fire departments. These classes are essential to the tools of a fire department.

  • Rams are used for pulling, punching, pushing, shoring or stabilizing. They can move a steering shaft, move a dashboard and even stabilize a vehicle with their 15,000-pound punching force. They are available in different sizes.
  • A cutter provides maximum cutting power and flexibility. There are many options for cutters, ranging from 20,000 to 94,000 pounds. The different models come in a variety of sizes, jaw designs, and shapes.
  • Spreaders are used to separate different materials such as metal, timber, and other mass-materials. There are many models that offer different spreading distances (24-40inches) and spreading forces (19,000-37,000 pounds).
  • Combination tools can combine cutters with spreaders into one tool. These are great for metal moving and offer the power to cut quickly.

Market #8211 The following is a list of two distinct customer segments FireRescue Depot identified and will market to.

FireRescue Depot targets two market segments. The first segment is for urban fire and rescue services with more than 10 staff serving more than 10,000 people. There are 3,435 potential customers. The annual growth rate is 8.8%. The second segment of customers is rural departments that have fewer than ten employees and serve fewer people than 10,000. This segment grows at an annual rate of 7% and includes 8,787 potential customers.

Management FireRescue Depot&#8217,s management acknowledges the need to have a plan that is well thought out and executed.

Steve Dalmatian will lead FireRescue Depot. Steve has the skills to execute on this well-planned business opportunity. Steve is a veteran of three years working in a fire service, where he assisted in many rescue operations. This experience has given him a deep understanding of the industry and its technology. Steve has extensive business skills and a Loyola University MBA.


FireRescue Depot’s goal is to be the premier vendor of rescue and fire equipment. Through a combination of outstanding selection and attention to detail, this customer-centric organization will be known as the best retailer for the price and customer service.

Keys to Success

FireRescue Depot has identified three keys to success, all of which are necessary to achieve sustainable profitability. To determine if an organization is meeting these key requirements, the organization will continuously monitor them.

  1. Identify what the market wants and sell a wide selection of options.
  2. Excellent customer service is key to building long-lasting relationships with customers.
  3. Implement strict financial controls.


FireRescue Depot identifies three goals that will serve as high-level but achievable goals for the entire company. These are:

  • To be a leader in the fire-rescue hydraulic tool market.
  • To be profitable within 24 months.
  • To increase the market penetration to 15% within the next four years.

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