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Exec Employment Agency Business Plan


Executive Search & Rescue Placement Firm – Executive is a firm that specializes primarily in the search for emerging companies. They also focus on high technology companies. Executive will be serving metropolitan Portland, an active, growing market. The Executive Search & Rescue Placement Firm will continue its steady growth through a network of well-connected colleagues in the emerging business niche and a sophisticated predictive screen system.

To achieve the desired growth and profitability of the company, management goals are to have at least four of the top 10 fastest growing Oregon companies utilizing Executive’s services, and to increase the number of clients served by 20% through superior service.

The Company

Executive is an Oregon corporation registered by Mr. Dan Bloodhound. Bloodhound has more than ten years of experience in high-tech markets and emerging companies. He also has excellent contacts which he can leverage to get future clients. Executive plans to fill a variety of executive positions including project managers, programmers, and CEOs. They will also be paid on placement. This arrangement allows them to work for many different clients at the same time.

The staff will consist of Mr. Bloodhound working full time. Executive will hire a full-time secretary/receptionist in month two, a part-time generalist in month three, and a full-time account executive in month four. From month four until the foreseeable future, the organization will be able to survive with a four person headcount.

The Market

The Executive Search & Rescue Placement Firm will be targeting the emerging company market in the Portland metropolitan market. Portland will be targeted for two reasons: 1) It is the location of Mr. Bloodhound’s network; 2) Portland is a prime spot for emerging companies because it is part the Silicon Forest and has the highest VC money on West Coast after Seattle and the Bay.

Because emerging businesses require more executives than growth-oriented companies, executive is focusing their attention on emerging businesses. As a company grows, there is an increased demand for leadership.

Executive will be targeting both high tech and non-hightech firms in the emerging markets. The high tech firms make up the largest group of emerging companies, up to 80% of the market. Although most emerging companies are high tech, not all are and Executive can still provide value-added services for these companies and will not ignore them.

The marketing strategy of Executive Search & Rescue Placement Firm’s Marketing Department will be based upon advertising and networking. Advertising will be done in several local publications that target emerging businesses. Executive will be often represented in the Business Journal of Portland, which is the most prominent.

1.1 Objectives

The following are the three-year objectives:

  1. To create a service-oriented business whose primary goal it to exceed customers&#8217’s expectations.
  2. At least four of the top ten fastest-growing Oregon companies, as identified by the Business Journal of Portland, are using Executives.
  3. Superior service will help increase the number of clients we serve by 20%
  4. To become profitable within the first year of operation.

1.2 Mission

The Executive Search & Rescue Placement Firm’s mission is to service emerging companies with outstanding executives. We exist to maintain and attract customers. All else will fall into place if we follow this maxim. Our services will exceed our customers’ expectations.

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