Environmental Car Dealership Business Plan Leave a comment

Environmental Car Dealership Business Plan

Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM believes our future cars should save even more energy and produce even less pollution. Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM is headed by Jack Anderson – a mechanical engineer, environmental guru, Jim Handy – a public relations consultant, Frank Lee Good – an environmental and corporate attorney. We invite everyone join us to experience this revolutionary technology.

Our strategic focus will attract courageous early-adopters who envision themselves as “energy pioneers,” the younger generation, and environmentalists. The growth rates of each group are exceptional, especially for the younger generation. Toyota Honda GM has a competitive advantage by specializing on zero-emission vehicles and has franchised every auto maker that could be offered. Toyota Honda GM Environmental Engines will be a viable alternative to fossil fuel burning transport systems. Our vehicles are more visible, which will lead to a 50% increase in sales for environmentalists and younger generations.

The business will first recoup any profits to cover overhead costs such as purchasing inventory. Next, the company will use the proceeds to fund the expanding photovoltaic charging station and mechanic’s garage. Finally, the profits will be used to repay the initial investment. The inventory will be purchased in advance for stocking the showroom floor. Additionally, every sales person and executive will be equipped with a zero emission vehicle to take around town at his or her own expense. Their savings earned by investing in a zero emissions vehicle will spread by word-of-mouth, attract more customers, and bolster future growth at the same high rate of 50%.

This chart highlights how this exciting opportunity is. GM was expecting a 50% monthly increase of sales. The company sold six cars the first month and had a modest gross margin. It also expected a rise in net profits and gross margins in the second and third years.

With our company’s success, not only will the sky look brighter but so is our potential market dominance. All these profits can be reinvested in research and development which opens the door to a secondary role for Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM (a patent holding company/clearing house).

1.1 Keys for Success

These are the keys to success at Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM

  • Marketing – overcoming barriers to entry and partnering locally with consumer and environmental groups to solve problems with advertising and promotion budgets.
  • Product quality.
  • Management Products delivered on-time, costs controlled, and marketing budgets managed. It is tempting to focus on growth at the expense or profits.

1.2 Objectives

During the first three year of operation, Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM aims for:

  1. To create a car dealership with a respectable gross margin in environmentally-friendlier automobiles.
  2. To develop a discerning and informed consumer base in new automobile buyers throughout the surrounding metropolis who will exercise their buying power to support a 100% yearly sales growth of automobiles with greater fuel efficiency standards and lower rates of carbon monoxide emissions.
  3. To achieve 1,000 unit sales of environmentally-friendlier automobiles in year one.
  4. To stabilize the fuel efficient automobile market by increasing the market share by 15% after three years.

1.3 Mission

The mission of Environmental Engines Toyota Honda GM is to provide early adopters and the younger generation within the Ann Arbor community with environmentally-friendlier automobile choices and to convert traditional new automobile buyers into conscientious consumers who are aware of external as well as internal costs associated with automobile transportation. We aim to attract early-adopters who see themselves as energy pioneers and environmentalists. If we keep these principles in mind, everything else will follow.

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