Computer Support Business Plan Leave a comment

Computer Support Business Plan

I Tech Solutions is a consultancy-oriented company that aims to fulfill the market demand for a professional and customer-focused computer company. To stand out from more expensive computer companies, the company emphasizes customer service and support. We are on the brink of penetrating a lucrative market in a rapidly growing industry. I Tech Solutions sees this as an opportunity to expand into the market because of the increasing number and competition from existing businesses.

We are located at (discussion left out), and we recognize that to succeed, we must be flexible and responsive to our clients. This will allow us to delight them by giving them what they need, when and where they want it, before the competition. The company intends this by focusing on customer needs and giving priority to customer business goals.

Once the needs and processes are understood and described, leading edge products and best-of-industry skills will be applied to design and develop a fitting solution to enable the client’s business in the most cost effective way.

Our marketing strategy will primarily be focused on helping clients to understand the services they can avail, and making information and the right service available to the target client. We intend to implement a market penetration strategy that will ensure that our services are well known and respected in our respective industry. The strategy will communicate a feeling of quality and satisfaction through every photo, promotion, and publication. The promotional strategy we will use includes traditional advertising, Internet Marketing, personal selling, and direct marketing. More details are in the marketing section.

It is important that we recognize that our intangible assets, such as our ability and willingness to communicate with customers about their needs and desires, management style, corporate culture, and commitment, are what make us unique. These characteristics will make us different from our competitors and allow us to build a sustainable competitive edge.

We don’t just want to market and sell our products and services. Instead, we intend to offer customized services and products to our clients that will optimize their output and help them achieve their goals and objectives. Outside investors will be required to help us achieve the above.

Note – All currency values shown in the charts or tables are in Botswana Pulas (P).

1.1 Objectives

Our business strategy will focus on providing high-quality products and services to our customers. This shall be undertaken through the establishment of a professional team and the provision of quality, custom-designed services, catering to the client’s particular needs.

These are our goals:

  1. Develop a follow-up strategy to gauge performance with all our clients.
  2. To establish and maintain cross-functional working communications in order to ensure that each department works harmoniously toward achieving company objectives.
  3. To instill a culture that is constantly improving in order to surpass customer satisfaction standards and improve efficiency.
  4. We are fully committed in supporting economic growth.

Success Keys 1.2

Successful market segmentation will be crucial to projects’ success. This can be achieved by identifying niche markets, and then implementing strategies. These will be the key success factors.

  1. Excellence in fulfilling the promised: 100% confidential, reliable and trustworthy expertise. This means that we use the most up-to-date technology, software and highly trained personnel to fulfill this promise.
  2. Timeous response to clients’ orders: we cannot afford to delay our clients for whatever reason, as this will have a negative bearing on our image, reputation, and future business. We must keep in touch with our clients so that we can provide them with solutions that fit their needs.
  3. Skill and depth: Because our services are still relatively new on the market, the skills and depth that our personnel have is vital in deciding the quality of the service provided to the end-users.

  • Clear product and marketing positioning: We don’t want to be confused with other vendors and will aggressively market our services and business to our clients to stay at the forefront of their minds.
  • You can benefit from a wide range of expertise. The company’s many alliances with technical and training partners will prove to be invaluable. The skills and intellectual capacity these partners will have in the fields of product support, design and system integration, implementation and execution, lifecycle support and understanding, training, and in the application of new technology are intangible benefits to I Tech Solutions.
  • 1.3 Mission

    Company Values

    I Tech Solutions is committed in fair and ethical dealing with employees and other stakeholders. The following values should be applied to achieve this:

    • We want to be a responsible company citizen, fulfilling all our obligations as part of society. All business decisions will take into account the impact on society and the environment.
    • We are committed to providing products and services of uncompromising high quality.
    • We intend to seek mutually beneficial and enduring relationships in all the commitments that we make, ensuring that they are straightforward and honest. Our communication will be both open and transparent, internally and outwardly.
    • We will be promoting all these values to our employees.

    We are confident that our company values will be implemented to achieve our goals. This will benefit all parties, and especially the communities in which they will operate.

    I Tech Solutions was founded on the belief that information technology management for businesses is similar to accounting or legal advice. It requires outside expertise in order to install and maintain it. Business people are smart enough to seek out reliable vendors for software, hardware, support, and service. These vendors should be treated as trusted partners, just like their professional service suppliers.

    I Tech Solutions aims to be such a provider. We will be trusted allies to our clients, giving them the loyalty and economics of a business partner. We want our clients to be able to operate their businesses with the highest efficiency and reliability possible. Because many of our information applications can be extremely critical, we will make sure that our clients are able to rely on us when they need. Our mission statement summarizes all of this well:

    “The company is committed to using emerging technologies to provide the highest quality products and services, customer support, and security.

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