Attorney Employment Agency Business Plan Leave a comment

Attorney Employment Agency Business Plan

Legal Associated Temp Agency – LATA is a full function temp agency in Portland/Vancouver that offers experienced, qualified temp lawyers. This market has been addressed to some extent by larger, general temp agencies, but has not been fully served. LATA will be a better alternative to the existing offering of temp lawyers. LATA is a good choice for small to medium-sized law firms that need temp legal assistance for specific projects.

LATA will also be attractive to firms that are looking for a new associate but want to try out the attorney for a trial period. LATA&#8217, the service that allows firms to hire temporary attorneys for up three months. Then they can decide if their firm wants to turn them into full-time employees. This significantly lowers the risk of hiring someone new who is not familiar to you. The Portland legal market is currently undeserved and LATA will easily find their niche.

LATA will grow at 107% annually by year three. Gross margins are 100%.

1.1 Objectives

The following are the three-year objectives.

  • To build a service-based organization whose primary goal it is to exceed customers&#8217’s expectations.
  • The utilization of LATA in at least 30 different law firms in the Portland/Vancouver legal community.
  • Through superior performance and word of mouth referrals, LATA’#8217’s clientele will grow by 20% each year.
  • To build a sustainable, profitable business that serves the Portland legal community.

1.2 Mission

Legal Associates Temp Agency’s mission is to connect customers with qualified legal professionals for any type of needs. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will meet or exceed customer expectations.

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