Art Packaging Installation Business Plan Leave a comment

Art Packaging Installation Business Plan

The Art Sentry provides professional installation and packaging services for both residential and corporate customers. Dan Klutz, the founder and owner is a 12 year industry veteran who, while working with the Portland Art Museum, designed a new and innovative packaging system that has since been adopted by seven other national-class museums. Dan will be lending his talents to Portland’s art market.

Currently, the art packaging/installation market is relatively small. Although generalists can perform similar tasks, their skill level is usually not sufficient to ensure the safety and integrity of art work. Dan, who has these skills, is currently leveraging this experience as an advantage.

Through superior service and customer attention, Dan will steadily grow The Art Sentry’s market share, generating $64,000 in revenue by the end of year three.

1.1 Objectives

The following objectives are set for the initial three years of operation:

  1. To establish a home-based business with the primary goal of exceeding customer expectations.
  2. Superior performance and wordofmouth referrals are key to increasing the number of clients by 20 percent per year.
  3. You must be able to sustain your home-based business by generating its own money.

1.2 Mission

The Art Sentry’s mission is to offer professional wrapping and hanging services for art works. We exist to attract and maintain customers. Everything else will follow this principle. Our services will meet or exceed customer expectations.

1.3 Keys for Success

Customer service is the key to success.

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